Originally posted by winghaven1 Originally posted by AZHokie54
I think it looks exactly like the bow for the current Bow of Truth ability.
Nice one. That ought to encourage those people to do some research.
But he's wieldi…
Why am I super excited for Albion? Besides a sandbox, that looks, and plays similar to Ultima Online?!?! Because I am in medical school, and its too easy, so I need something to do during class!
If GW2 wants to rehook me, they can make season 1 living story available in the gemstore in episodes. Poor content or not, I hate only being able to 3/4 finish those. A big turn-off for a completionist.
Originally posted by sludgebeard Seriously, the whole time I was playing Wildstar, all I thought was "God I miss ESO."
It was the emotional equivelent of fooling around with a chick you had a crush on in high school, after you and your EX just…
Try and get a closed beta event key for the next one, and don't pass any judgement until level 30 at least. I only made it to level 10, but my friends showed me his level 50 and his house, farms, island boats, etc etc and I immediately bought into A…
I've barely played to 20, and I can already tell that unless there is no population, this will be my game of choice for a good while. Even bought the $150 Founder after CB2 this weekend.
I would consider resubbing if I did not get banned.... randomly.... saying I was a chinese farmer.... and then saying they'll unban me if I provided proper paperwork that I wasn't.... and then delete all history of my account anyway.
I personally am glad I ignored the trolls on MMORPG.com. This game was completely off my radar, and I purchased it on a whim after not liking Wildstar beta. This is the first Elder Scrolls game I have ever played and am having a blast. The only thin…
Unfortunately, WoW is what you want. I am prepared for me to get all-out flamed, but a fact of the matter is this: Out of the 7 million or 8 million or whatever subscribers, less than half of a percent complete relevant raid content before a patch i…
Originally posted by PeachExtract Hey, long time lurker, first post.
I think the imprisonment is a really good idea, and I've wondered why it hasnt been put in games in a long time. It's a hard thing to implement, but when done right, I think …
I'm "playing" EVE... aka reading about it and getting some V skills to fly something semi-useful before blowing time/money into the game, and life. Trying to level up my finances to V, my fitness to V, nutrition to V etcetc
Is EVE pay to win? Experiment!
1) Spend $2,500 cash on plex
2)Exchange plex for ISK
3) Buy high end character/ships
4)Fly out into Nullsec/lowsec
Please report your findings, we are all very interested to see if you won or not. P.S., if you int…
Play EVE online. Crafting is not only an awesome part of the game, but its literally a thriving part of the economy, and if your as dedicated as you say, you can use in game money you make to buy PLEX, which is game time, so eventually you can play …
Currently I think it is offline. The new build has made it unplayable. I know the dev watched this forum as of yesterday, and I talked with him. So, please fix the client!
I logged in, and the programmer said he would quest with me a bit and explain the game. He said they created their own engine, and have been working on it for 12 years. Right now his 3 most important features he needs to add into the game is 1) bett…