Originally posted by Falin
Space combat is a rail game, so unless you really enjoyed Asteroids as a kid, it'll be boring to you.
...asteroids wasn't a rail shooter!
This Dark & Light all over again. It's sad, but I've never seen an MMO from a small company amount to anything but poorly-balanced, poorly-programmed junk.
Well, here's a couple head-shots I happened to be hanging on to. First, my old FFXI character (long deceased). I touched it up a bit using a photo editor.
And here's a pic of my old Matrix Online character I used as an avatar on some guild fo…
It's perfectly viable within the role-playing element for players to become Space Marines. Anyone familiar with the Space Marines' background would know this.
No-one starts out a Space Marine, obviously. The gene-seed is implanted into the bodies…
Oh yeah, I'd love to be a sickly diseased mutant hobo, instead of an elite battle trooper.... haha, NOT. Dark Angels Space Marines forever, bitches! Repent!! For tomorrow you die!
Originally posted by Rehmes
Its a rather small dev team with seemingly low budgets trying to change the MMO status quo. And even if they fail i dont think itl spell death to open pvp or FPS style MMORPGs, every failure has inspired others to try a…
Originally posted by Klazart
Maybe you didn't notice but those two ships were fighting in a small bay, at pretty close quarters, not much room for 'mobility' when 30 cannons are sinking you in a few seconds. Naval warfare in the open sea would p…
Originally posted by Klazart
combat is twitch based iirc. None of this standing 5 hours for you're turn
I think the graphics are fantasitc, especially when you consider the scale of battles there will be. Anything more would mean you need a mo…
I smell the stink of Dark & Light's rotting corpse on this game. The graphics in the video were suprisingly bad (yes, I have seen the high-res), and that wasn't naval battle. As far as I could tell, the ships weren't even moving; they're just pr…
Originally posted by ashtonbella
Thanks Nerrollus, I appreciate it but my friend played EVE and I watched, it just didn't seem my kinda game. I really don't mind combat ( depends on content) like pvp or fantasy animals.
So you're saying you'd ra…
For that matter, MMORPGs aren't the country music of video games. They're like large-scale modern orchestral works. Sports games are the country music of video-games.
What in the holy hell is this? They seriously can't come up with a side-scroller that isn't a blatant rip-off of Maplestory? First "Dragongem," now this...
Originally posted by CleffyII
Its really hard to think of any game with over 10 animated emotions. Ragnarok Online 2 is featuring 52 on release and more to come after, they stated only 36 for release.
Ragnarok 2 Female Emotions
Ragnarok 2 Male E…
Realm vs. Realm in AoC would be pretty silly- imagine square wheels on a railroad train. Stygians have no tank classes and the other races have no mages. That's a formula for awkward and unbalanced battles.