Havent posted on here in years. Anyway, i had the exact same problem and i googled it and found this video. So it applies to 7 day trial code to your account. Works for me now. I think we were never part of the 7 day trial, just the free weekend, on…
I just came back to EQ2 and i'm enjoying it. But a lot of things about it annoy me.
The graphics - they take a really powerful rig to run and well, to me, they dont look good at all. Sure some things are detailed, but the whole thing just look…
Is anyone else loving the massive QQ coming from "hardcore" macroers and exploiters who are now going to have to put up with being on a level playing field with "casuals".
I played with caldari in faction warfare a few months back. I played eve on and off since 2005 but never really pvp'd so thought id give it a shot and now its the only thing i find exciting about the game. Just gotta wait for my corp roles to go awa…
I played for the first free month. I was looking forward to the game since 2005 but over the last year i lost my hope. I was pleasantly surprised and had a lot of fun in my time.
The PvP and exploring the world, sneaking around, stealthing up on p…
in WoW you can:
Solo quest
Solo PvE grind
Group grind
Group Quests
Do small instances
Do large instances
Do raids
Trade using auction house
Trade in cities using chat
Craft items
Gather resources
Engage in pvp in the open wor…
Its not really much of an rpg, you progress very slow along a huge grind. I know its good that 2 or 3 new players can kill a well kitted out vet if they have skill but i think id rather play an rpg than an fps. I have other fps for that that dont ha…
They are not banning macroers they are bannindg speed-hackers and the like. If you are afk macroing you wont get an insta-ban you'll probably be kicked a few times first. As long as you reply to GM messages while youre harvesting youll be fine and e…
yeah, i left the starter atrea and wandered around in open areas and some castle for an hour or 2 and only saw 1 mob and some macroing toon. I mean its great landscapes and all but cmon, one mob ?
I succesfully logged in and on the character creation screen i had artifacts all over the screen, could barely see anything, After character creation i got in-game and the articits completely covered everytthing apart from the UI.
Now when i resta…
I had this problem. I have DF on my E: drive with 100GB free space but only 2GB free space on my C drive.
I went to the "configure" option in the patch installer and i re-directed the location, (which was my temp browser folder on C drive) to a fo…