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  • Originally posted by willvas Originally posted by socrates656 Originally posted by willvas   and by the way... learn how to play if you dont know how to use HIDE... i find it perfect and can use it quite well on my assassin.  I see…
  • Originally posted by willvas Originally posted by socrates656 Originally posted by willvas the FFA PvP is not bad.. .there are ways to survive.  and to the person who said about stealth in AOC... its NOT STEALTH...   its HIDE... ever play…
  • Originally posted by Lateris Wiccannas' global chat was out of control last night on a weekday. I came back a few months ago and  the population has increased since I came back.     You talk on Global Chat? oh god.... I turn that thing off.…
  • Originally posted by Wharg0ul Wiccana's freakin' packed. I'd say the population is healthy enough to be able to get group stuff done at any level, right now. Question is, will it be like this six months from now?? let's hope.  Whargoul is…
  • Originally posted by Jakeadunk Wow you people amaze me all I was wanting is a server in Aoc where it would be FFA, but all I get is flamed for being a greifer. That is fine I play WoW and on their pvp servers you can attack low levels if you want. I…
  • Originally posted by Cynthe Originally posted by Pilnkplonk Originally posted by DrunkWolf Here is another way you can deal with gankers. Most of the time guys out ganking choke points and such are bored because they have high level c…
  • Age of Conan is a great PVE game. I love PvP games though more, and I love to pvp. I've always been a fan of free gankfest. Shadowbane was my favorite for that. However, I think people are missing the point here of AoC's PvP system. It's not the f…
  • pffft that is nothing. You guys here talk as if this is somthing never done before. I've had 10x worse happin to me. Imagine being billed 2 x over with World of Nocraft Expansions on your account that you never purchased in the first place. Then bli…
  • Originally posted by Gaddorm Originally posted by Hardanger So, what I'm hearing is that really there aren't any good reasons to dislike it relative to most games - people are just disappointed in it compared to DAoC?  Hmm...  Whatever.  I tried …
  • Been playing MMOS for 11 years... going to probably piss some AoC fanbois off in here... I played this in beta, and also when it was released, but. I quite the game, because I got utterly bored and pissed off with it because lack of content, and t…
  • I just canceled my account today. Not because of Population though, but because of the amount of bugs are in the game. There are more bugs in vanguard now then there were 1 year ago. Say what you want, but SOE have just ruined this game
  • you did a great job on those videos, thanks sum. You are awesome.   Cheers mate
  • I've been saying this for the last year that Star Trek online wasn't going to be what people thought the game was, but no one listened. I've been playing MMO"s for the last 10 years.. my word of advice to you is don't pre-order MMO's unless you are …
  • I'm 29 almost 30 now. I run a guild in Darkfall, I've been running guilds for along time in many MMO's and I have to say that the +18 thing is really nieve and airheaded. The way we run our guild is not by age but by putting the players on a trial b…
  • Originally posted by Wharg0ul As much as I love Darkfall, I can't in good concience tell anyone to run out and buy the game without trying it. It's simply not for everyone. There's seriously a 50/50 chance you won't like it. That said, I wouldn't…
  • Originally posted by krieblood Originally posted by eman_laerton No really. I paid, I played and I quit. YOu can look down to my previous posts on this to see the details but I was just thinking over the weekend how little motivation I had to e…
  • Originally posted by Robsolf Why do people hate on this freaking game so much?  I tried it... not my cup of tea... but geez!  To come into this forum day in and day out dreaming of this game to fail... I just don't get it. It's one thing to cri…
  • Originally posted by WhackANewbie No MMO is, ever, finished. If you want to go by Xfire numbers (which, to me, do not matter) than Aion is doing just fine. it is in the top 5. But yeah...no MMO is finished, ever....Developers need to delay MMOs b…
  • Age of Conan is one of the worst MMO's I have ever played in my 14 years of gaming. Not only that the community is full of a bunch of 30 year old men who act like little 9 year olds that have a bad case of social retardism.
  • Hey there thanks for the reply guys, and thanks for not flaming me. It seems every post on this website turns into a bunch of spastic mongoloids freaking out over what games they like, and don't like. I was just curious to what the game is like,…