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  • I think Mondain's Legascy will maybe get some old players to if now start to play again, but at least try it.. But it will not draw any new players.. Thats my opinion.
  • Well said.. Well said indeed:)
  • But you cannot disagree that AoS changed UO completely. Its not the same UO-feeling...
  • I must disagree.. UO got an award for the most played MMO game in 2000 or something. Then it was about 900k
  • You're probably right, sadly UO will never be the same. Indeed, lots of new games are coming. I have only tried World of Warcraft though, but it seems to work nicely.. Although there are not so good RP-society there yet.. Things will get better
  • Was UO best before AoS or is it best now, after AoS?
  • Ultima is completely forgotten by some, but we are still some UO-lovers! Hopefully EAG will step up the game a bit.
  • I completely agree with the posts above. The old graphics was the best.. Ultima-Online is not Ultima-Online anymore.. They have changed too much.. I also dont really like the new armor system really.. Noone wear normal GM armours anymore.. Everyone…
  • Well for new character that cannot carry so much, they have to bank very often. And since they only begin with 1k gp they cant afford much regs..
  • The old UO was sooo much better than the new patches, although I appriciate the LRC patch. Kinda annoying when you gotta bank every 10min for new regs, and for new mages its very hard to get better.. Cause of the constant regneed.
  • What sounds did you like best? The old ones of the new ones?