What kind of community do you live in????? Gangster filled with violence and drugs? Well if so, u suprise me. U would be the only guy from a gangster cmmunity to post on a video game website about a suicidal friend.
She needs help. I reccomen…
puzzling.......this is a darker side of Blizzard I've never seen before lol. Except for its aggresive legal action on the Freecraft project. Do u still ahve ur emails on this matter? I'd like to see them.
well actually WOw took a hit when guild wars came out and fell a lot. However, over the past...3-4 months WoW's score never dropped. It almost didnt move, but has been increasing slightly. Just last week it was at 8.2 now its at 8.3. and Gw was a…
omg you're age 38 and you act like a 10 yr old.. DUde let little kids play their game and stop messin with them. OF COURSE YOU THINK ITS FOR LITTLE KIDS CUZ UR WAY OVER THE AVERAGE GAMER AGE. GROW UP!!!!!!!
im guessing whoever told you that either heard it from some other guy or plays another mmo or something and is jealous that WoW is better. Dont take his crap. If you want to buy this game then buy it. It's really fun. People who say they're bore…
if you want a whole new computer for gaming and you want a geforce 6600 prepare to spend a lot more than 750 bucks! that card alone is what 300 right now? well unless you cheap out on everything else...
No dude Blizzard kicked Blizzard North, then Swingin Ape came and ruined it. I'm still gonna buy it cuz it carrys the Blizzard name, but it just won't be the same........ The original Ghost developers are now Flagship Studios.
There is an expansion coming later this year. It will cost money I think, so now I'm wondering what's the diffrence from buy an expansion and paying monthly fees??????????? Really BS if you ask me.
NON-PVP!?! They're not going to survive in the buisness without that dude. If they were non-pvp this is going to be the worst mmorpg in history. I mean ever made. I mean no toher mmo-rpg worse than this one!