Good stuff. I am really looking forward to the Beta's and getting into the game. I really won't be able to fully committ to it until after July but then I should be full bore.
Wow I can not believe how many haters their are on AION.
My experience has been up and down. The first week was tough with 5 hour wait times but that was cleared up into the 2nd week on ZIKEL but I was upset that I did a pre-buy to get ahead took…
Originally posted by MrPhire
Originally posted by logangregor
I dont know if AION is the best game Ive played EVERRRR, but for me it beats WoW as Ive played WoW since release, Im not a huge fan of Raiding and Ive played every class Ive found in…
Originally posted by FastTx
I've been in between MMO's for over a year now. Aion is the first game since Lineage 2 that has compelled me to subscribe.
Exactly the same here. I left L2 about 3 years ago and have been Beta hopping hopin…
As with most Open Beta's they allow keys to be released through their "media partners" and this one has already announced that members of fileplanet will have access to Open Beta Keys without necessarily pre-buying. I believe they have some other p…
I am sure you would be able to SOLO in this game for some time but as someone else said this game is really only best if it is being done in Groups. There seems to be a "necessary" balancing at the 18+ level in order to kill Mobs your lvl or highe…
Not only did it have a new cinematic trailer (the first time opening) but you also see a different splash screen during the closing process.
When you go into the NCSoft Launcher you should be able to right click on AION and select properties …
I too have looked and looked playing many other games and always finding myself comparing the new experience to L2. Actually, the short amount of time i spent in CB for AION I really got that L2 feeling back. The graphics are stunning, the gaming…
Where do bad folks go when they die... they don't go to heaven where the angels fly the go to a lake of fire and ice.. and you won't see them again till the 4th of July. Nirvana... FIRE AND ICE
Here is something with the Vista install. It locked the game up and I went to see all open windows and this was hiding in the back ground.
Your system has finished downloading the AION patch for VS 1.0-5.01 and it will be …
Played L2 for about 3 years. I really liked it and still have some friends in it that I am trying to win over from there to AION. It was a good game and grinding was bad, but again that is just part of gaming especially if you want to LVL. I don'…