Am less pve but more pvp.But thats not the occasion anymore since iv didnt met other game after RF online RvsRvsR.I really adored that faction wars and small maps,getting ganked,knowing where most people are at atm asking the Archons (current kings)…
I espect as going west TES will be favor as going east more in favor is AA.But its all same hype.AA as korean game will be 1-2 years p2p than will jump on f2p train too as for TES idk i do have some big hopes.There are quite the polished f2p games …
Originally posted by ezpz77 Originally posted by TickleMeHomo
Eve online/Hawken thats the best games cgi that represent fully game and live to the expectations
EVE? You serious?
What the trailer shows us:…
Originally posted by Quizzical
The motherboard almost certainly requires DDR2 memory, which means that you can't plug DDR3 into it.
Well than wil stick to this configuration.
Current state is awfull/Not enough sci fi mmos/space explorations,not enough turn based mmos,not enough games with VAST open world to actually explore and remove these maps and radars from games its easy mode.Thats the state atm.
Dude if its your first time playing Atlantica, im saying u will have a blast.I remember first time game was open beta.Itt was so dam confusing from first/interface/the whole world and the gameplay was different from what we used to.It was amazing.N…
Elder Scrolls online?Hawken?Mechwarrior online?Planetside 2?Why u need solid mmo play one of these amazing f2p shooters/tech figthing games and have fun for alot hours.
Originally posted by Renoaku OMG they actually are lmiting dungeons...
A person should be able to run as many dungeons as they like in a 24 hour period especially if they are a subscriber.
Enmasse might not be doing as bad a TOR, but let me tell…
Yes f2p will dominate market,i see how devs plan.First year they release game with subscription and see if it success,than they continue like that if not ,jump on f2p wagon.
Im whatever guy.IF there is solid themepark or solid sandbox i will play 1 of them or both.Just with newly mmorpgs coming out now and people "evolve" in what they want from their games ,have expectations for somethink different that wow style game l…
Sub based game have really limited player base.Idk if wow ones are true but thats different.Outside US ,games with sub based model are really not triving in Europe or far in East as u go.Devs wants as much more players and much more to be talked bo…
Its that big hype,yet maybe over korea sure but specially Europe i doubt its so hyped.Archage is cool cause u can bulilt stuff and sail stuff and other stuff where aint available in most mmos
You guys,the truth most games going f2p is that they also aim to bigger crowds,wich dont have that cash to waste.Im in eastern Europe and here its just wrong to pay sub fee for any game at all least in my country.Friends i know that payed were only…
Eve came out when?2005/2006?Serously this game growth and longeliviity is amazing .These people are the one only iv seen mmo wich drastically updates their graphics/shaders every couple years.There is steady population online arround 30k-50k? online…