Originally posted by Sevenstar61 Not available at the moment. If you would want to have more slots you would have to sub at this moment.
I think they are going to add it in the near future. I want to get some more too:)
I will post when I know m…
Originally posted by The_Korrigan I'm sure he can just buy digitally directly from ANet.
Egypt is listed under "other".
Originally posted by wrekognize So I've been watching gameplay footage of GW2 all morning. The # 1 impression I get from watching is that it looks way too easy to play. I would most likely get bored. So, I'd like to hear from people who have played …
Originally posted by pauly6478 How is it that these games come out with the artwork that a 12 year old can do? I looked at most of the armor they has been posted and its ugly. Not much of any of it makes me wanna be like "o man I look so cool, lets …
Originally posted by snapfusion
I have a question and its totally serious. Are you on Arenanets payroll? This has to go beyond just an infactuation with a computer game. Everyone here likes MMO's but there needs to be balance.
Originally posted by Mageick Hey all, I've been reading up on probably the most interesting topic of GW2.
But I'm trying to wrap my head around it, and I've come up with some questions:
Paying Warhammer and Rift which I guess are like DE's in a …
Originally posted by Aerowyn Originally posted by HellSings
Personally, I find most DEs to be boring as hell. Maybe its because I played them several times over in BWEs. Heres hoping the end game areas offer more exciting ones.
what MMO PVE qu…
Personally, I find most DEs to be boring as hell. Maybe its because I played them several times over in BWEs. Heres hoping the end game areas offer more exciting ones.
Originally posted by Sordal I started playing guild wars at release, and it goes down for me personally as one of my favorite games of all time, and I've kept track of guild wars 2 ever since it was first annouced in PC Gamer. Ive Played in the Beta…