i was able to play the beta with 3.0 ghz, 2 gigs of ram with Vista, and an old NVIDIA Geforce 8600 GT card.
i had lots of slowness issues, but it still ran fine.
i cant remember what it was called exactly, but they had a minor high-security space PVP thing, I believe it was called Factional Warfare. In this you would talk to a NPC, who would give you a mission to defend or attack, and when you get their, th…
there was this time for me, when the game just game out in america for the PC, and they just raised the level cap to level 75. I had played a WHM, and when i got to about level 30, i decided i needed an emperors hairpin. So like any NEET i went to…
it will generally be skill based, or determined by the players skill mostly. though im sure higher level weapons will also play a significant part, its still possible to pit a level 1 against a level 50 and have the level 1 win.
from clips weve seen of Huxley, 3rd person is only available while in vehicles or traveling around in non-combat zones. its doesnt look like you get a 3rd person veiw while in a combat zone when walking around.
Last month Webzen sent out emails to their Share holder Email Subscriber's(i believe you can sign up at their website). Inside that email it said down at the buttom, Huxley Closed Beta Scheduled for September 2007.
It has been said that their will be Loot, but it was not discussed how it would be distributed or obtained in a general matter of speaking. Theyre are only a few options they could take, that popular 2 weve seen in other games is that . 1. They c…
Originally posted by NewbKing
Battlefield 2142 and Huxley are completely different. Huxley is more like Unreal but with MMO action.
There will be skills to use to help you survive. Phantoms for example; they get a certain skill that allows him/he…
Tho it was also said in a reveiw a few months ago that Huxley on the PC would be more PvP Oreinted, and Xbox 360 would be more PvE oriented, with limited cross-platform playability.
But when you think of the PC version, the communities tend to…
They have a main site up for it at www.Huxleyversus.com , but so far its just a forum page, theyve said they dont want to release any infomration untill around the time closed beta starts, which is suposed to be sometime in september. but you cxan …
Its graphics are defintly Top Notch, but Its been out since 2003 , honestly whenever i get on it now, its mostly a dead game, anyone who still does play has a maxed level character. I dont recommend getting this if you havnt yet. Becuase everyone …
Im an Ex-member of DDO(Dungeons & Dragons Online) community, in fact i was the first to hit 10 when the game came out =P. In The beggining of the game and even at the early levels you almost Must have a Cleric in the party. But if your just loo…