Why do they even have cons for an alpha/demo of the game? It's now the most expensive game ever being made, taking over 10 years of non-stop development with no end in sight. When it does eventually release, which I highly doubt it will, it'll still…
Kumapon said:
Sadly. this isn't just a FFXIV issue, all xbox games now have AI moderation for thier Live Service.
This is what happens when a company is too cheap to hire actual people.
Oof, I didn't even think of that. Jee…
Microsoft just keeps picking at straws hoping that something sticks or works. I'm just waiting until the inevitable happens and they go the route of SEGA.
I've had a Steelcase Gesture chair since 2021 and actually got it for about $300-400 used from a local used office furniture store. It's perfect in every way and definitely deserving the 10/10. I don't have a headrest on mine but it's not a big deal…
Star Citizen was one of the earliest MMO scams and continues to be. Only Chris would work to milk every whale out there while funding his little amateur film making and expensive lifestyle. Once the game eventually fails to come out, or comes out as…
From the reviews and footage I've seen, this looks like one of the biggest bombs in quite some time. The game looks ugly as heck, the gameplay style looks super dated and the bugs are endless. I don't know if even a patch can fix this broken ugly ga…
Who proofread this article? It looks like it was written by a high-schooler, I'm sorry. It makes it pretty hard to read through, like listening to a song and hearing scratching on a chalkboard every few seconds.
I think it's good they're closing it quickly. Developers are realizing that they can no longer push out a terrible product that is crammed with micro-transactions and bad systems. Players are far less forgiving than they used to be. There's way more…
I already posted in the lawsuit dismissed thread, but I'll post here too because I know Jeromy "Caspian" Walsh reads the forums. Jeromy... You are a fraud. You scammed myself and thousands of others out of their money and it was completely unjustifi…
I backed CoE day 1 of the Kickstarter and upped it a tiny bit before it ended. It is something I highly regret, and I was one of the likely hundreds of people that at least put my basic info in the ring for the classic action suit because what Walsh…
A quest to unlock a new paywall (for Tier 5 pets)? That sounds pretty arrogant. It's not like you can just get a Tier 5 pet without paying likely 50-100+ dollars per each one, let alone the RNG nature of the perks it will have.
There are tons of scam blockchain/crypto games out now. It's a serious problem. I think Steam pledged to get rid of them because of liability. Both legally and financially, Valve could be liable for a lot if *#(! hits the fan with those games. Some …
Biggest red flag is what someone just pointed out.. Steven Sharif was involved in a major pyramid scheme business before starting Ashes of Creation. Much like Jeromy Walsh and his scammy business practices prior to start Chronicles of Elyria, I thin…
The next Stress Test for Classic is July 25-26. I wonder if you folks would be able to pop your time on the 24th and play on Classic with the rest of us WoW plebs?
Great business idea... Include FFXIV subscription with it and bolster their subscription numbers even more. A lot of these game companies with subscriptions don't have MMOs like SE does, so they could use this to their advantage - to make their sub …
DMKano said:
centkin said:
Holy toledo she is smaller than grey wolves.
Shai have been in game since launch as NPCs....and yes they've been small the entire time
Their PvP damage is 85% less than any other class - aka absol…
I fell for the promise of this game in early access. What a dumpster fire it became. I even gave it nearly 100 hours of gameplay with the hopes that they would improve and update the game. I deeply regret having wasted my money and time on this mess…
Sounds like a tiny taste while the streamers and youtubers laugh in our faces. And, they get to play the stress test as well. "Oh... You want to play more?.. Sowwy!"