Hi, i'm considering purchasing this game but wanted to give it a go first? just wondering if your offer still stands for that account ulatek if so : [email protected]
I know how you feel ... but the reality is:
There will never be a game as good as your first captivating MMORPG (UO) and no game shall ever have the content and gameplay and just uberness as UO once did... the graphics of UO are poor ... the graph…
Yeah, w0000 go Magstax! WoW sucks ass they all suck ass! even when WoW introduces true pvp.. it will not make the game for me any sort of challenge my ingame playtime is 14 days and i'm currently level 54.. i have nothing better to do.. it sucks ars…
It doesn't phase me either way you go
one thing i can understand for example is why Insatia would want to play a male chr, my girlfriend also plays, and she gets hit on like crazy if she played a male i'm sure this wouldn't happen.
i just speak my o…
errrr? whats wrong with you? are you some sort of transvestite?
there are no difference between the female night elves and the male except the perversion of the female..
take a good look at yourself and what your saying; You want to play a fem…
Retarded carebear idea...
Although i wouldn't mind being able to kill the side of the alliance im in aswell as humans but yeh
Retarded carebear idea, hope they never impliment it
Ah okay, so alot of you guys carried on over from Stress Test and even Closed Beta to Open Beta? just wondering how u guys hit so high.. and if you did carry over or? i mean the highest lvl i saw in OB was like 29 and if you try to powergame like me…
Okay, i ping over 420+ ms to any WoW american server not to mention the packetloss.. the best i can get is from the pacific servers and yeh thats about 420+ms sooo i cannot get any decent ping that is PVPable in and barely playable, so wake up to yo…
was a great game when i was going through mission after mission, but after finishing all missions getting like 25 fame and lvl 20 n getting my armor.. it gets boring 3 styles of pvp.. guild v guild.. 8v8v8v8 or 8v8
Trust me after u get bored with…
wouldn't the nine year olds be equivalent to lvl 9+ ? =P anyway, really forget what i said there.. provided im not going to have uber trouble killing two level ones.. then no probs if you know what i mean.. i trust that you (Draconus) can balance it…
meh you've lost my interest already with ur lvl 1 damaging a lvl 100 and your PVP and PVE server...
as he said.. pvp should be everywhere, restrict towns, put guarded areas.. build a sweet.. new.. enviroment..
i wrote out a biiiiiig fat post but…
Hi Draconus
I also played freeworld in one of the earlier betas an i think you are doing well with it, i in freeworld was a bit of a griefing prick at those sand golems? i think they were, i kill stole from every other player and got told off by y…
Well i am currently waiting for WoW open beta also.. but if anyone feels the need of generosity to give out another WoW account activation key obtained by a file planet subscriber my email is [email protected] thankyou i am also Australian, thus s…