Me neither, first time that happened. It probably won't arrive so I suggest you open it on or on the official site if they've already put it online.
To all Cherusci members that might stumble upon this thread. RV will finally launch tomorrow, report to our forums so we can finally start playing the game ( So far only 1 fifth of our numbers have…
Roma Victor Camp won Xoopsfactory's monthly Xoops competition for month February! That means it's the best Xoops site for February as you migth've guessed.
Here are some links where you can find out more about the competition:…
The preorders will start playing right about when my school year ends, maybe a few days before So I'll have loads of time to play the game, and we all know the beginning is especially important, even more in RV. I'll just have to skip the final sch…
Thanks for the replies. I'm sure the traffic will pickup once the game is launched. Right now the older members have stopped posting and the new ones have started
iamamomao, don't know about it being strange It's historical and realistic :P
You're right about the elephants. And probably why RB chose this timeframe. The main reason would be because so many cultures mix in that period, from Celts, Germans to Numidians and many many more.
Yep, they've really bonded with the community. Just like Mythic with their new MMORPG Warhammer (which surprises me since Mythic has a lot of money and they don't need the community - see Blizzard). They're all over the largest fansite posting and a…
Just wanted to let you know that Cherusci Warband is the largest barbarian guild so far. We have 50+ members (of which many aren't active and waiting for release) as it stands.
Since release is schedule in 2 weeks, we'll soon start to make o…
I just hope they don't neglect crafting which I think is going to happen. I'm afraid they'll go too far with the PvP idea... I'm all for it (PvP is the essence of MMORPG) but craftings and PvE are also very important.
Yeah Gyros are far off, they would be flying machines which would need a lot of codings.
I adore Dwarves but I wouldn't take a slayer or an ronbreaker although they sound tempting. I think I would go for something custom. Slay…
As far as I know there is NOTHING free concerning Dark & Light. I recieved their newsletter saysing its "free" and when I clicked the REGISTER FOR FREE button a page opened where I had to buy the game. So I didn't...
Those that still might be interested, sign up for the promotional contest because it's going to start this saturday. Link to the contest article can be found in previous post.
Originally posted by Jd1680a
Originally posted by Dark_Lord_13 Well, bad news then, I don't think Lizardmen, or Skaven will be playable YET!! remember expansions may bring new races. The known playable races are those listed in the poll, Unless so…