I always think there should be the *possiblity* to take guilds to the next level, making them complex and more organized, etc. But don't base it all on that.
If you do that, you spend more time on it than anything else.
Have the option, but don't …
I'm very excited, but trying to be patient as well.
Hopefully things will keep going as well as they are in testing.
I personally think it's a very good sign with them letting in the Pre-Orders for Phase 2.
*crosses fingers and toes*
Maybe we'll see…
I think it'll start off slowly, but RF Online (in my opinion) once it's tweeked a bit for Americans is going to blow away a lot of competition.
I think D&DO will be heavily stomped for a bit, only because there are so many that play the board, …
Right now I don't see that as an option.
They just finished Phase 1 for their beta testing, which were people that were selected by CM for that portion of the beta. Phase two was supposed to only open up to those of us that won a beta spot from MMO…
... *searching for forum-safe words of excitement*...
... *internal database function overloading* ...
Woohoo! Awesome, I'm glad we'll see the Pre-Orders in there, too.
*bounces* I'm really glad this seems to be going so well, I can't wait to get …
Yep, got mine too.
Very happy, very excited. Just not awake yet
I wish it were sooner, but I'm quite happy that we at least have some idea of a timeframe.
Agreed, Lazz.
I'd much rather take the time to find a good place and work with my character, rather than die a few million times with parties or groups.
But in the years I've played I've become antisocial, a bit. This doesn't mean that I won't gro…
True, but since there's been no response I'm assuming the issue was resolved or the player is in one of the other games not available to us.
If it's an outside version and you're using an IP bouncer, etc., it may be booting you.
Remember - IPs outs…
There duth be a lot of spelling errors on that page...
Makes me a tad nervous about "official software"...the features list is sooo badly written.
I'm not perfect, I know that, but when trying to pep up your software you'd think they'd be concern…
I can understand wanting to download it beforehand...however, I see a lot of changes happening before it's actually released to the public (outside of the phase testers and pre-releases).
Really, I would think you would end up downloading it twice,…
I think Cora reminds me of it the most.
But I love the world graphics.
I really haven't gone on the hunt yet for a ton of information. I really like to get into it first and test everything out myself. I like to learn as I go along, personally.
Phase 1 of the US beta was *just released*.
There's not going to be extensive information on this for the sites yet.
You can go to the official sites or look at the fan sites for more information.
But, until more players from the US beta version ge…
I'm assuming you've won a spot in Phase 1 of the beta that *just* released?
If so, then you should check out the official site for support.
If you're runing one of the other versions from China or PH - can't help yha there.
I *think* we're in Phase 2, from what I remember reading back toward the beginning of this.
But I'm not 100% sure.
Congrats to the new winners
I'm really anxious to see who wins the hardware contest they've got going on now.
I think that make any…
People..you want to complain about a grind fest, go play Tantra and get back to me.
While you're at it, try to communicate with the players there.
Games have much more to offer other than similar graphics, etc.
There's storyline, battle tactics, ec…
I'm seriously starting to hope this thing kicks off faster.
I've lost my attention for WoW quite quickly. Yes, it's got it's bonuses...
But I don't think I've gotten this bored with an MMO in a while.
I know I could get out there and continue to w…
Almost forgot to mention...
"I have not seen any objective pre-reviews of the beta."
That's because phase 1 of the US game has just been announced.
We haven't had full access to it yet (though some have found ways into PH and China's version).
Well, I have a spot in one of the beta phases. I can tell you right now, my intrest is not PvP.
Here's some links for information:
I know it's the PH site, but it has some good info.
The Beta Phases, Explained
The Official Forums - Always good …
Were you able to get it actually working in English?
I've seen the version from China - but haven't heard of this.
As far as I've heard the only english version out (other than phase one US! woo) is the PH version.