There are no gender locked classes in this game, you must be thinking of another game.
This is false. All classes are gender locked, and has always been so. They could not afford two genders of each class (animations, voice acting, clippin…
A girl has no name, and a company needs to make money.
In my experience this kind of monetisation model always leads to gameplay where it takes an ungodly amount of grind to save 1$. This is because the developer obviously would rather you spe…
It is very very tough, but I do think it is doable. I have no evidence to support it, though. I remember Age of Conan becoming a brilliant game after everyone had left, but Funcom could never recover it. If AoC had been in it´s 2010 state when it la…
TheScavenger said:
Looks like sadly its not as good as I hoped. 453 negative reviews at the time of this post, 723 positive. That isn't a very good ratio.
I don't have the game yet, bu…
I wonder if European´s attitude to nudity seems as odd to Americans as American´s attitude to nudity seems to me. Twitch chat is full of fappers because some pixeled barbarian´s private parts in a video game are not covered by a loincloth when he is…
congtran17 said:
sayuu said:
As much as I love PoE, saying that they ONLY sell cosmetics is dishonest. . .
Stash tabs are definitely NOT cosmetics. . .
there goes a cry baby who keep crying about "stash", stas…
I was hyped when I first heard of the game some months ago, but the dev streams looked pretty bad given the fact that they probaly tried to show off the best sides of the game. I sort of lost all expectations. But now, watching streamers play, I am …
filmoret said:
This shouldn't even be in alpha. The npc's basically stand there while you attack them.
It sure is a lot better than what Ark was at launch, but this IS a special streamer server to show off. Not convinced that the plebs …
...and here´s a good pro-tip: Take screenshots of all info given to you by Funcom. They will ninja edit old info to make it look like they never said what they said, and they will remove videos and deny that they ever existed.
I must have played AoC for 5k hours+ and TSW for 2k hours+
It´s not that Funcom makes bad games, it´s just that they do their utmost to infuriate players with constant lies and deception and they launch games in a state unfit for public scrutiny.
guizica11 said:
You sound like you gave up on the game just because of that. I wonder what perfect game you play.
I think it might be a good idea to buy it now while it is cheap, and give the devs 6 months to work on it. They sai…
The combat looks like a parody of the worst combat in video gaming. Shields break all the time, people split in half if you poke them with a stick and blood splatter covers half your screen if a mouse bites you in the toe. The map looks tiny.…