Because pvp is a fun part of many mmos and adding a competitive nature to the game will keep people coming back even if there is no new content. It's fun to compete and battle against other teams and players. Also the game should appeal to as wide a…
In real life people aren't always in equal circumstances. In an mmo everyone can start equally and have the same opportunities. This means the game is fair. Introducing real world currency element makes it unfair to compete with other players in eit…
I, fayknaym, renounce achievement based games and do not pledge my allegiance to Guild Wars 2.
I likewise declare my freedom from achievement grinds!
That I turn my back forever on achievements which is/are totally dumb.
That I will take up arms …
Out of those three 7870 is the most powerful.,3635-13.html
I use a 7850. I've been using it for 1 and a half years now with no tweaking required as you mentioned. Currently I am pla…
I agree that it certainly affects the design of the game. They must take into account factors specific to consoles when developing for both. Some might argue that the graphical quality will be compromised because of console limitations, but I don't …
Virtual World
just rolls right off the tongue.
Actually now I'm wondering why there was every a need for two M's in MMO.
If it's online, then it should already be assumed to be multiplayer.
And of course it's virtual. It's a computer game…
Originally posted by sportsfan Originally posted by sschrupp
I'm really looking forward to the Nephalem rifts. Was very sad to find out D3 didn't have random dungeons to do. Besides the side dungeons you'd stumble into once in a blue moon, many …
I really like the idea behind this expansion. Draenor/Outland was always my favorite part of WoW when I used to play it. The zones in the previews look amazing, like they have a lot of character and atmosphere. I'm also very interested in the persis…
I'm happy with mostly everything. There's a lot of variety in MMOs today (racing, fps, strategy, fantasy etc.) and as far as the industry is concerned, it's still growing and more and more games are still being made with some pretty neat ones just o…
If you haven't tried Dark Souls then you should. It can be a very challenging but also very fun game. There's been very few games where my heart starts pounding in my chest like mad and my armpits full instantly start dripping with sweat when I'm cl…
Day and night cycles matching the time zone the server is in, i.e. if it's night time in real life, it's also night time in game.
Seasonal changes affecting the weather and wildlife of zones where appropriate.
Seamless word with instanced dungeons…
Sometimes the problem is you not letting yourself enjoy the game.
Watching a leaf falling from a tree and feeling the cool autumn breeze on your skin can be an enjoyable experience.
But only if you let it be.
I think it will end up being a skill unlock system, where you can unlock the skills you want through quests or by using certain equipment types and then be able to swap them out at any time and the only skills you will be tied into are your class sp…
Someone I knew once had a computer problem where when they plugged in a usb stick, the computer would restart. So I just went to the device manager and updated their usb drivers and it was fixed. Maybe there are some motherboard drivers you need to …
Although crowd funding has become popular, I don't think that any big game development company these days would use it directly. One reason is that a company's image is and reputation are very important. If some multi billion dollar giant comes and …