Rob Lashley is a Staff Writer and Online host for and Rob's bald and when he isn't blinding people from the glare on his head talking in front of a camera you can chase him down on twitter @grakulen or find him on PSN @ Grakulen <BR>
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Alverant said:
ry7737 said:
Gamers do not care about these petty little non game items. not one bit
Then why is RGB lighting so popular?
Because we like shiny things
I've been playing this on the Switch. The game really is fantastic. The performance suffers though in ways the first one didn't. Mostly stuttering every now and then. YMMV.
SirAgravaine said:
Grakulen said:
SirAgravaine said:
Are those deer or antelope? What the hell? Have these people been to Oahu?
Axis deer that have spots like that can be found in Hawaii.
Again, …
SirAgravaine said:
Are those deer or antelope? What the hell? Have these people been to Oahu?
Axis deer that have spots like that can be found in Hawaii.
Samhael said:
This smells like a sponsored ad but without the normal text that proclaims it as such.
No money changed hands in the posting of this developer journal.
kruler said:
Press release that is full of clichés and usual fluff BS jargon, i.m sure these press releases are BOT generated, because if a person did actually speak like that in real life.....They surely would have the moniker that rhythms w…
Sovrath said:
Wizardry said:
I watched a bit for myself in Twitch and it looked so boring that i won't bother with it anymore.Also watched someone playing Spiderman,didn't impress me either.So then i checked out Dragon Quest Xi didn…
Wizardry said:
I watched a bit for myself in Twitch and it looked so boring that i won't bother with it anymore.Also watched someone playing Spiderman,didn't impress me either.So then i checked out Dragon Quest Xi didn't see enough there eithe…
OG_Zorvan said:
How, exactly, does "trying to start the game three times" make you buy an Xboned? But hey, if you like playing new games with toned down graphics, more power to ya, Mr. Reviewer.
The first one was an xbox exclusive.…
Wellspring said:
Does the game have loot boxes / in game purchases? It's a shame you have to ask these questions about single player games now.
From what I can tell it does not have loot boxes. However, the store is not currently e…