got to level 4... got bored cause it was just click to pick up something, stand still and mash buttons 1 and 2 for creatures... yawn yawn... the render resolution makes the game unplayable as well. no graphics optimization after all these years?
Krynt0k said:
moosecatlol said:
I manged to get in, made a stalker, got to 14 almost 15, realized that nothing has changed and the game still has an extremely stagnant leveling system, logged off. When does this game become fun?
to be honest, warlords of draenor was just the same old same old with an extra phone game added. gets annoying grinding for 100s of hours then everything becomes obsolete completely next expeansion. got old fast.
hard to make credit profit at tier 8 battleship unless you play an above average game, which let's face it, is mostly dependent on your rng rolls.
might be fun for the casuals for a few days but there is not a good long term yet. even in WoT i c…
The reason I quit during Cata was because when a new expansion came all my progress would just be meaningless. It finally got to the point where I kept asking myself "what is the point?" When I saw pandas were coming it was pretty obvious a break wa…
how on earth do you guys use mouse clicks for skills? it just takes way too freakin long. you'd get annihilated in pvp for taking .5 seconds longer to move your mouse over.
Heroes of the Storm I doubt is near release, I don't know where the author of this article got that info or even somehow speculated that... it's still in alpha and given Blizzard's track record we probably won't see a release until this time next ye…
Originally posted by Forgrimm Originally posted by stygianapoth Played WoW since the very first day it launched and quit for a few years around the lich king expansion (I just couldn't get into the pandas). Other things that made me quit were gear…
now please focus on making pvp fun and not taking 30+ minutes to get in a game. no one plays pvp and that needs to change. there's only so many heroes one can lvl up and gear before the boredom kicks in.
this game just didn't do it for me... the first warning sign was when I somehow finished the tutorial by doing 5 damage to the computer that had 7 hp left... and I won?
then the rest of the game is clicking the 'next' button 10 times before you can…
I also was all about taking a life of crime and becoming a solo villain. Eh i haven't played in weeks but I leveled up to 50 and here are my disappointments with wanting to become a criminal:
1) You can't destroy, steal, or do anything to anyone…
Eh I actually regret spending money on this game. I got ace on my bombers and maxed out the skills but they still get one shotted by jets.
In the end I kept asking... what is the point after I get to tier 5?
Well nothing really. There is nothing t…
Originally posted by Tezcat Originally posted by thunderC
Im currently considering quiting at this moment, From the toxic community to what i feel is a horrible korean mmo style grind not really my cup of tea, and although the graphics are dec…
I am 90% to level 50 but I think I had my fill. After completing the whole quest line (and being stuck at level 49) my only option are to use a bot to gain labor over night (or in my case, something to hold down an arrow key), do boring mundane dail…