My question is did you read the the disclaimer that the game was early access. If you don't want to play a game that clearly says it can/will change over the period before final release, them I suggest you wait till final release.
My #1 wishlist item would be that I am able to play. I bought the game at launch and was able to play a couple weeks then the authenticator stopped sending me the code.
Actually the only way to do is to create a new server, then only allow the people on the servers being "merged" to access for a week or so for the land grab.
Well it might just be Wargaming bought Gas Powered Games, to work on the integration of the 3 ip's they are currently working on. Wargaming is having a hard enough time trying to keep the Clan Wars part of World of Tanks running. Maybe GPG is the an…
Wow, you have just described Istaria: Chronicles of the Gifted. Not only goes it have the above mentioned, but also has Dragon characters that can fly.
Well, it seems a few people that have ordered the authinticator have been hacked before they arrived. My roommates play WoW and one of them was hacked after he ordered it, and they know someone who was after he ordered one.
Sorry for all you trolls out there it will not be World of Starcraft. Sounds kinda of dumb. Sticking space on a world. So lets try:
Starcraft: The Universe
Turbine came out with a notice on the patcher last night sating this. Getting the information out to people is good.
On a similar note , WOW seems to be under siege from hackers. More than a few fiends have had thier account hacked, characters d…
I have used Shattered cyrstal many times to get GTC's for Eve-online. The first time they call you to confirm that it is you that is ordering the gtc and not someone else. You need to ensure the phine number that you gave was accurate. Also since y…
Since the game is free, all you would need is a basic character with basic equipment. When starting I would just use a melee weapon ( as it does not need ammo), and just start hunting in the new area. After a while you can earn enough equipment to…