Originally posted by Nadia
related wikihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massively_multiplayer_online_real-time_strategy_games
That list is what I would call for the most part pure rts. I don't think there is a game that is a true mmo/rts…
H1Z1 will most likely give those moments at least once per day. Not because of zombies, but because of other players and bears. The bears get me the worst becauseI will be in the zone all immersed and then I hear "roar" have no clue how cclose …
Originally posted by Leon1e Originally posted by Battlerock
I really wanted to, but ultimately I just can't get into GW2, I have tried all the classes and deleted them over and over, I never did get into the down mechanic, the lack of trinity an…
I really wanted to, but ultimately I just can't get into GW2, I have tried all the classes and deleted them over and over, I never did get into the down mechanic, the lack of trinity and any kind of teamwork in pve left me scratching my hea…
I never really played EQ, my pc couldn't handle it back then, however when I saw the eqnext announcement, I thought, OK it looks cool, but it seems very foreign to the EQ I have read about and seen, and that's with very little exposure to th…
Originally posted by Azaron_Nightblade
Originally posted by Battlerock
I'm 33
Only on the outside! Inside your forever young, Rock! :P
(But I didn't get that feeling from the graphics either. Each to their own I guess.)
LOL I wouldn't ar…
I don't group up often, so fps games and H1Z1, those are my ideal pvp types. No gear imbalances, tactical lethal strikes, no ability and counter memorization, just a natural instict for survival mixed with some aiming skills and a plan.
Originally posted by OhhPaigey
No, not for many get, y many many years. They're way too large. WoW has been my main game (besides CoD) for years now, I started WoW in late 2010, take a month or two break here and there, but never really quit. I jus…
I think a game or two will arise, most of the games today are money first and gameplay second, it's going to take a developer who puts gameplay first and money will follow as a result of quality mentality, we just don't have that today.
Originally posted by Setzer Originally posted by Stone_Fountain
I'd rather squat over a flaming Hibachi than spend another hour in this game.
Cool! If I hated a game that much, the last thing I'd want to be doing is wasting my time posting in…
Excellent point here. I would also like to take this time to announce since I don't know if it is or isn't, I will chose a side and say it is cancelled because no one said it was not cancelled, though even if they said it wasn't, by the time I …
Going to have to start calling this all things Hearthstone. That's the breadwinner anymore, it's quickly becoming their number one game on my blizzard list. Still love D3, some sc2, but wow has tanked in my book and hots is just wrong. I gue…
Originally posted by svandy
Originally posted by Battlerock
At any rate, the point of that little story is to open up and use your imagination more.
Sir, how dare you suggest that people make their own fun in a sandbox game. This is unacceptabl…
Bears to aggressive? Berry collector simulation? Lol what in the world? Talk about a lack of imagination, this game is awesome, I bought it for Br, but I have found that the open world pvp is just amazingly fun. My latest shenanigans, is to …
I received my invite a few days ago, logged in checked it out, blah blah blah, it has some minor differences, but a moba is a moba. I would probably have just shot myself if I would have purchased the early access - I wouldn't be surprise…