A thorn for every heart - Dead Man's party
I came as advice that came too short
I came as gold, I came as crap
I came clean and I came as a rat
It takes a long time, but God dies too
But not before he'll stick it to you
Well, I don't know, bu…
Originally posted by Gameloading
Originally posted by vickypollard
Epic games release 2 crap games for the PC and they don't sell well and they say PC Gaming is dead :S Fucking idiots if you're going to make crap games then don't expect them to…
Originally posted by unconformed
cod4 has some awesome mod potential that should keep me going until president bush lifts the worldwide imperialistic ban on mmos. yea
UT3's modding is better than any FPS. CoD4 isn't comparable.
It's amazing, the similarities between us is a weird twist to my daily readings.
You see, I am one to not take action, let another, and lose my chance in gaining something. I doubt myself too. Even if I am strong at such thing I was subject…
Hmm perhaps I came off wrong. The injury isn't really that serious, and I believe I don't need such a specialized shoe. I am still very conditioned from the past basketball season, so I don't think I need to worry about building much muscle or str…
Originally posted by Runefan101
Originally posted by Tithrielle
Or just someone with a lot of time on their hands
He's more than just someone who sat grinding away for hours on end, the stats are just a small part of things... look at…