You roll say a Horde. By default you are at war with the Alliance. You enter their cities... you get owned. You run across an Alliance out in the world... he is free to kill you and you are free to kill them. No need to flag or unflag... you are…
Poll is null and void since there is no "IF"... it's an absolute that the game will just be another overhyped game. An absolute.
So it should be...
When everyone realizes that EQ Next is just another overhyped game on MMORPG:
Funny how you can call EQNext Best of Show seeing nothing of the game at all... and yet you won't give a game like Black Desert any credit at all and they at least have an awesome trailer out there even if a few months old now. This is all just a h…
Um beta testing replaced free trials... you all are playing the game before it is released anyways... some of you are so desperate to play them you actually buy the game in advance or buy a founders whatever just to guarantee you'll get to beta test…
Problem is, if this game has been earmarked exclusively for the PS4, you'll likely not see it on any other platform for quite some time. It's like when Microsoft bought Bungee and forced them to make Halo for the XBox system. In some cases, a game…
If WoW were to go F2P, they'd have to cut their entire staff by 1/3 or more... they are a very bloated company BECAUSE of the subscription model. So until you hear about massive layoffs happening... this is nothing but a pipe dream.
Even if it …
Blizzard Online Store for digital downloads...
You can upgrade the starter edition too.
If she has never played, she'll need like the WoW Battle Chest to get to WotLK. Then the Cata expansion. Then of course MoP.
So $19.99 for Battle …
I find end game boring... shallow... lacks any depth... and is usually so easy even a trained monkey could do it. Basically a totally pointless endeavor. Which is why so many gravitate to it... they like easy mode... and end game is easy mode.
Not at all a fan of the steampunkish design... it's like a game that doesn't know what era it wants to be set in... Black Gold suffers from the same affliction.
But, that aside... I didn't see anything in the game that really isn't in all the ot…
The only really annoying thing in Rift is that you can't keybind to your mousewheel up/down. Prefer using the mousewheel for changing targets as opposed to tabbing. In Rift, selecting/switching targets really fast is crucial especially when there'…
The turned Icewatch into a trial shard because they divided the EU and NA clusters into two. At the same time they added new servers to both. In a nutshell, the clusters as they were set up originally affected all shards because they looked at pop…
I picture logging in to the game for the very first time... you are at the character creation screen. Tons of awesome classes and races and appearances to choose from. You painstakingly set your parameters and enter a name and click on continue.
Well if anyone is looking for an MMO that is currently pretty populated in the lower zones... Rift is your ticket. Everyone seems to be trying the F2P model out. So it's almost like release day in terms of activity and players. Usually the best t…
The genre is defined by X... you can put t-shirts on X... you can put X on the moon... heck you can even allow people to put their own thing in X... in the end it's still X.
Players are bored with X. That means they are bored with the genre. N…
The funny thing is... since it's free to play... why do you need trial shards? Seems silly.
I stand by my belief that they are shifting folks off of older server hardware onto newer hardware... and consolidating the servers down, not adding to …
They've been massively consolidating servers. Only one PVP server NA, 1 RP server NA, the rest are all PVE... I think a total of 8 servers total for NA... all of which are Full and have long queues. Forums are screaming for new servers... I think …
"So long as the game is fun... everything will fall in place"
Such a fleeting statement... how many games are outright awful or unfun the first time you try them? A lot start out as fun then get old real fast.
Longevity is probably a bigger…