multimedia engineery student, hopes to start working in the videogames market in the future but until that day the only thing it does is think and imagine new ways to enjoy the games, and to make revolutionary game ideas....
there will always be metagame, its something the community creates, be it because someone found that X or Y class/item/strat is broken or because certain team configurations are supposedly more eficient at certain roles.
those who discover a way to…
Originally posted by Reizla Originally posted by xaritscin Originally posted by scorpex-x I have tried warframe and destiny, they are both mmo fps titles but compared to an mmorpg they are incredibly shallow.
Why have no companies mad…
Originally posted by scorpex-x I have tried warframe and destiny, they are both mmo fps titles but compared to an mmorpg they are incredibly shallow.
Why have no companies made an mmorpg, but with an fps engine?
because you cannot make a Ma…
some games have disabled individuals working in certain roles, for example, the Demon Hunter from Warcraft III was blind, the Dreadnoughts of 40K are basically pseudo-dead individuals who are condemned to be attached into a machine suit forever in o…
its funny how all the comments bash or defend Blizzard when the OP is basically bitching about why Blizzard hasnt made an Starcraft MMO.
as i said in another thread similar like this. looking at the development of the Starcraft IP you cannot really…
i would take my own project into completion, as long as i had the manpower, money and time and the fanbase doesnt become hyped with the thing.... would post the features but its so complicated that would require several wall of text for it
L2: all the Kamael classes (because rapiers, bigass swords and crossbows FTW), also dark elf classes (gotta love dark elves)
WoW: always had a thing for the hunter class, specially in regards to beastmastery, but blizzard never gave it enough depth…
the it mob farming or quest not a content locust and i like to take my time to level, but yisus craist, they should at least put some effort into making it enjoyable somehow....each time i see a game which leaves me …
Originally posted by Dreamo84
Because many Eve players and former Eve players are dying for a non vehicle based version of Eve basically. Sadly, open space is just easier to make a sandbox out of.
not necessarily "non vehicle" but at least allow t…
the problem of an Starcraft MMO is more of the gameplay side. look at the Warcraft RTS and you will understand why an Starcraft MMO is not possible.
for blizzard it was easier to make WoW because the Warcraft races are practically similar in their …
a Samurai would be a good adition but its more of a title than a class itself.
if you look at it historically, it was basically a warrior that worked by a code of honor. whereas most warriors in mmos are of the medieval kind, brutes that charge at …
from what i've read in this thread, people really need to get over the concept that zerging is a tactic as old as warfare itself, its not a recent thing, overpowering the enemy using numbers has existed since the dawn of civilization, in fact, its p…
fantasy wise: WoW, dont play it anymore (got bored of it over time) but i love the IP and follow it in spirit
sci-fi wise: EVE, cannot play it due to not having money(no, PLEX is too expensive now for earning it with isk) so i follow it in spirit t…
Shores of Hazeron, before it was shut down and then brought again under a P2P system (it was open to everyone back in the days).
graphics and lag are the two mayor drawbacks most of the time, but the game has potential. and now that the developer g…
its more of the modern times, most players right now dont really care about the story and just want to eat the content.
so in order to make content less "boring" they just strip most of the storytelling and just give watered down quests or cinemati…
from all the online games i've tried.........Hazeron.......i would like to see something on the scope of that.
-you could create your race
-you could found an empire
-you could colonize other planets and systems
-you could design your ships
some things:
1. strip miners have a lesser cycle time now, they used to be capped to 180 seconds per cycle, CCP changed mining ships main bonuses from yield to cycle time
2. one does not mine only veldspar, is more profitable to mine the whole bel…