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  • PWI does have inhuman races....or races that aren't human xD Barbarians and Venos are the farthest thing from human lol   I also forgot to mention I did get to participate in a territory war in my server against Nefarius. We got ganked...reall…
  • Con #1 - I don't know if anyone else noticed. But this is P2W game. I can totally agree with you, this game is p2w. However, my in-game husband is from Venezuela and he cannot buy zen. He is a top magus in the abyss server and he did it all withou…
  • If you read my review, it is the opposite of this. Magic World Online!!! And why you shouldn't play! The GMs ban you if you disagree with them. The GMs ban you if you ask about updates. The GMs ban you if you go on their forums and post pictur…
  • I played PWI myself for about  a year. I enjoyed the game very much. I never had to spend money in the cash shop on refining materials. I myself had only spent about 50 bucks....on fashion and a really nice pair of wings (Seraphic Mist). Some of t…
  • I saw this game. It looked interesting....until I saw it was published by Aeria Games. I played Shaiya. I played for a total of three days. I never even made it past level 10. But I logged in on the third day and I was banned. I sent a ticket asking…
  • My husband, known as Data in the abyss server when he quit was the #5 magus. And even now hes still in the top 20. He never spent a dime. As a Venezuelan citizen he is not allowed to. His pets were nice but he never had a super uber pet like most in…