I had fun getting ready for and playing Legion. I had not played since TBC though, so maybe it has something to do with being out of the game for a long time. With that said, if my friends had no convinced me to play and I had to play it by myself, …
FFXIV is a much better version of WoW. Sadly for me, there is nothing worth my time at the moment. The days of looking forward to Raid Nights are long gone and it seems they won't be coming back judging from what most people seem to like now a days.…
Holy Shit! There are human beings that think Monsanto is not horrible...Russian operative, maybe?
Well, I guess this is how we got Agent Orange aka The Donald.
Good time to stop. Anyways I have something that it's even more fun. From time to time come back to this website and check out the games people are super hyped about. Wait a few months for the game to be released and a few more for the game to be co…
Scorchien said:
well if you lay down with a Ho your just another ho ...
How many times were you dropped as a baby?
That makes no sense at all. LOLS!
Mardukk said:
jacker1991 said:
There are people playing this game for the PvE? LOLS!
Lol and you are playing this game for the PvP?!? There is literally no reason to PvP in this game in its current state. I'm shocked…
For me TBC was the best. After TBC Vanilla takes the cake for me. In WoTLK, specially towards the end, things started going down hill in order to get the Kim Kardashian generation.
For sure! Specially since the retards would stay in the current easy mode servers. I have not played WoW since WoTLK and would love to go back to Vanilla/TBC.
Darksworm said:
Torval said:
My class isn't as good as class X.... because some irrational anecdotal arguments.
People who play WoW know they're going to get outDPS'd by an Arcane Mage on an Affliction Warlock because that class…