Originally posted by spydermr2
You have got to be kidding me. WoW, being called "hard and long work to lvl 60?" I've been playing MMORPG's since the text MUDs. Trust me, WoW is without a doubt the easiest to level all the way to 60. It's awesome f…
Lacks originality, content, and reliability, but other than that, sure, it's good.
Graphics are great, plots and quests are unique and creative, and the skills, talents, and variety of things you can do w/ your character is extremely diverse. You…
If, I recall, RAM does not alter FPS, but rather your video card does.
RAM does provide support for your system, and helps the AMOUNT OF DATA FLOW, run faster than it usually would. So, basically, it just speeds up the processing of your game.
Not a very good idea, I'll tell you why.
People will just grind, and most programmers don't want this. They want you to casually go through the game doing all the quests, exploring, etc. Basically, adding more levels, and adding legendary rankin…
Originally posted by boly
for all the ppl who crucified kal.....let me tell u that is the best free online game that i played....so!...my advice to you...stop pointing fingers...and if u know a better FREE ONLINE RPG....prove it!!!....send us the h…
Originally posted by Kiamde
Originally posted by Spokrey
Blizzard can't expect the players to "disregard" something you don't expect to happen with the content. Blizzard shouldn't blame the players. Blizzard should fix the problem/glitch. …
Blizzard can't expect the players to "disregard" something you don't expect to happen with the content. Blizzard shouldn't blame the players. Blizzard should fix the problem/glitch. Prevent it from people further doing it. It will not only he…
WoW is byfar NOT the best community I've been in, BUT ALSO, DEFINANTLY not the worst. It's better than a lot of kiddy free games, and a lot better than games filled with immature punks. Yeah, there are some people who are greedy, or who don't know…
Originally posted by jackman1118
what novaseeker said is way way way wrong, battlegrounds is instanced but you keep the stuff you find in them. like the battlegrounds mount, or the battlegrounds armor, it will all be useable outside the game. read …
I agree with the original poster and some of the other posters. I'll tell you why:
Yeah, I agree, it suck's not being able to just, explore. Look around, adventure. Jump off cliffs to get around faster, go to the top of a building to look at th…
Originally posted by webBear1000
WoW is very good.
Can't remember the last time I enjoyed an MMORPG so much.
Granted it's not the most cerebral experience ever but I think all day at work. The last thing I need is to have my brain squeezed when I …
This looks as bad as Forbidden Forest. Ugh.
Graphics - bad
Content - bad
Gameplay - slightly okay
But all in all, I wouldn't pay anything to play this game. I'd maybe try it, but that's about it. Doesn't look like something very appetisin…