Wasn't Price let go from the people who make Pathfinder for crapping on their customers less than a year ago? How do you cover this without noticing that? I mean, that's not unimportant, is it?
You could make a good MMO that a lot of people want to play and a lot of new people want to try out even after launch. If your zones are empty maybe it's for reasons other than that you decided not to recycle your world areas. What is mixing in high…
I resisted the urge to return at the start of the xpac. Now I just hear not to bother because I'll be so far behind the iLevel game it'd be unlikely to get raid slots even when I have the same stuff out of heroics as others.
It's not the classes. Threat-table AI is so stale it has actually died, returned as a Lich and then died again. It needs to be put out of its misery. Systems and design elements for all other game genres have been streamlined, iterated upon and evol…
I don't think so. I mean, the amount of space that's relevant to a player at any given time is actually pretty small. When leveling, if you're lucky you'll have two areas to choose from at each level range. At cap, you're limited again to a few zone…
I hope someone else has lead. From the earliest interviews after Bohemia had given him DayZ standalone, much of what he said just set off warning bells. This guy has talent, but I'll believe he's capable of leading a project when I see him deliver o…
Setting aside the much of the bullshit monetization stuff entirely. The games are shit. Mechanically and fundamentally, MMOs have never been able to offer the same quality of experience in certain areas as games designed for a single player, but com…
This is harder than I thought it'd be, so I'm picking three.
1. Air Warrior. Sure, 250 players in a map is not massive now, but it sure as shit was in the early 90s. Just make it bigger and pretty.
2. The Matrix Online. I'd have to remake my firs…
Physics. Motherfuckers in full plate should knock people around if they charge into them. If a you catch an overhand axe blow from a big burly dude, it should look like you caught an overhand axe blow from a big burly dude. If a dragon catches you w…
I certainly hope it becomes another EVE online in this sense, considering that CCP gives you all the tools you need to not get ganked, should you choose to use them. PvP in EVE online is consensual. You can do the math and carry as much isk in your …
I don't want a comeback. I want things to move forward. I never want to see hotbar combat or threat table AI again. I never want to be asked to kill 10 bear asses again for the rest of my life. You want MMOs to be popular again? Get devs to spend mo…
RNG on spent money is bullshit. Kids fall for that and spend far more than they ever should have.
New players are newbs or newbies. Noobs are not new players, they're people who should know how to play but can't for whatever reason and I'll whine…
bonzoso21 said:
psiic said:
Kane72 said:
psiic said:
GenieWinslet said:
Ive been playing NMS for around 20 hours total and I still haven't even left the first planet and I have seen animals roaming around, so…
Nilden said:
I'm excited about EA buying Hello Games tech and making a Star Wars game that has some actual frackin space in it.
None of the new movies have space combat so why would games?
For hotbar it was Blade and Soul's Assassin.
For anything else it'd have to be EVE Online and no, not just clicking orbit and cycling your weapons. When you're doing shit like balancing ranges, working angles and distance as a frig when you're webb…
ESO is the worst model. "B2P" and then you have to pay for content patches.
A sub without any bullshit cash shop is best for consumers. Charging a $15 subscription allowed CCP to grow EVE from their initial user base through dozens of free exp…