If you successfully manage to enter in the game. Kindly PM me, I created a guild which is open especially for newbies or incoming players in the game. I will give you useful items and teach you the techniques on gold farming and leve…
Lol I am a Final Fantasy fans however I felt like don't like it when it s created for online games. and yeah this is War of angels General Discussion and this game really needs more prmotion to attract more players
Lag from the server is I think occurs when isp speed is low.. it happens to me daytime our isp speed is low when day time but in night time I didn't experience any lag
War of Angels is a new and highly develop version of Croxino Online..
So if you guys play Croxino Online play War of Angels it is very similar
War of Angels is a 3D version
while Croxino Online is a 2D cersion of this game.
So far from …
Hey guys I found something about WoA
Newest update and new client was implemented last May 18,2011 with lots of new content
check this out
It will be cool to have a Naruto MMORPG like dragonball online
the characters are divided by human, majin and Nemics
and in Naruto it may divided by nation..