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  • Originally posted by strangepower Originally posted by Xiaoki Wait, you are arguing that Avatar failed? The highest grossing movie ever ....is a failure? This topic is a failure. You do understand your position is highly subjective. …
  • Originally posted by Xiaoki   You can voice your opinion all you want    Thanks! Took a while but we got there in the end.
  • Originally posted by Vesavius Originally posted by bumuscheekus Ah right so the amount of money a movie makes it a good film? This comment is a failure.    No, it's if a movie or whatever meets it's own aims and goals and achieves wh…
  • Originally posted by rounner The reason this thread failed, like 99% of all other failed threads: Polarised simplifications, generalisations and logical fallacies plopped out as an  affirmation of expertise for the sole purpose of self aggrandisem…
  • The person above who said my opinion of the movie was irrelevant when discussing what I view to be a failure in the terms I mentioned in this post. I'm not argueing about financial success, thought that was obvious but apprently money is the only co…
  •     fo·rum/Definition: Forum ?fôr?m/ Noun: * A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. I t…
  • Ah right so the amount of money a movie makes it a good film? This comment is a failure. 
  • Bloody 'ell. People really can't get over this game, can they? These points have been made ad nauseum mate...and it seems most people think that salvage is beyond the scope of mere patch changes, I tend to agree. So, in light of that, rehashing the …
  • Excellent, exactly the same as the original, the same scale and the same nail biting funtasticness. The less they change the more looking forward to it I will be. 
  • Don't know whether you could call 2 a series but I didn't think I could get into a game like I did with Baldur's gate....then the second one, Shadows of Amn, came out and blew the first one out of the water. However, at that time there was nothing a…
  • I think Guantlet from 1985 gives it a pretty good run for its money. Same game basically minus the storyline. Coop bash bash bash.
  • Originally posted by Stimos8 ... This doesnt deserve to be called an MMO, what a disgrace. What a fascinatingly bizarre comment. I can't decide which is more foolish: 1. That you think something 'deserves' to be called an MMO, as if it wasn't me…
  • Oooh VS, my dirty little alt secret. Playing VS is like some weird S&M fetish: it's fun but I wouldn't have dared tell my TR friends I was bouncing about in a VS max in my weaker moments. Anyhoo, we all know that real men use an MCG. 
  • Originally posted by eycel What I dont understand is where the hell was all the outrage in all the beta and CB.  If the game was this  bad I wouldnt care about any NDA, I would tell them to stick it and tell eveyone what the hell was actually going …
  • was for ages, in now  
  • I supose the biggest little touch (so to speak) was not anything in the game in particular but something it's done to me. I must say I wasn't absolutely blown away by the game when playing it. It was fun but it wasn't the 'wildly new and different' …
  • It's doing amazing. Population is growing steadily as we simple europeans get turned on to it's novel, fresh approach to gameplay, world design and endgame longievity. The force is strong with EA. /sarcasm off
  • yes in a straw that broke the camels back sort of way
  • I can't comment on what it's like now, though I guess none of the basics could concievably have changed, but I know that even at release with a large and eager playerbase, a lot of those planets after 30ish certainly FELT empty but that was more to …
  • Yes and no. Yes in the superior implementation of keep capture pvp, siege engines and the pve zone/area quests. No in the lack of beloved, iconic gobbo/orc culture, european black plague era architecture Warhammer IP that made me ignore all the flaw…