ooh man is there anyway i can access CB im fan of the game but i couldnt get into beta bc i didnt had any creditcard to buy founder pack or something like that
well just for the fun of it i disabled ABP and look what i got for it
no offens to you guys but if i like to watch ecchi stuff ill go to a manga/hentai site
try to put that notice to adblock, and u cant use the dam site anymore ill give them a week -14 days and if its not gone im going to look for another site, ive been a member for years now but this is a little to over
guys u know that u can disable autoupdate in w10 i tried it and it realy works, and u then can manualy update later.
ive still got the batch file to prove it
mine was in swg, was in a nuetral guild and was farming to get a sith , an was talking to the guild leader and he suddenly said "Darkom, rise (or someting similar, but sure it was a quote from one of the sw movies)", man that gave me goosebumbs lik…
@Meddle So far i know i can only access the main page and forum page all other pages when i try to access it doesnt show up for some reason, dont ask me how im not a softwareneer ^^ (i know sounds stupid)
cant even see the game list section when AB…