holdenhamlet said:
"Yeah, sorry, but I pretty much guessed the main plotline the second I talked to the robot outside of the vault. I was very disappointing when no plot twists, or anything new at all happened. "
That's pretty impressive if yo…
Is it just me or is the player basically using just one skill, then running around waiting for more stamina, then repeating? And, is this going to be another mmo where you only have 6 or so skills you can use at a time?
I don't play for the graphics, I play because of the total emmersion, sandbox style of play and the interesting stories you come accross. Unfortunately I feel like this game was pushing a main story that ended up being rather linear and, well, lack…
Psycrovv said:
Dont get me started in league of legend....every week i get chat limits due to somone reported me for replying back on flaming...its like they WANT you to flame so they can report you after the game and the game creators tribune …
Maquiame said:
zytin said:
Well, pack it up and go home if you were thinking about supporting this game. the SJW white knights have set their eyes on it.
Someone using the term SJW = I'm racist and I just want to blame it on …
Maquiame said:
Not a fan of the new races personally. Also don't like the fact that they WoWized humans (all humans are the same culture!) compared to the original design where there was more than one human culture. (Cause you know, brown peopl…
jesteralways said:
marganculos said:
im playing Thai version and its awesome... genderlock? cmon.. even PoE have it and no1 fking care and,hmm 10 yrs old lolis? cmon2.... how can you not like my loli-gunnar? :P
Ridelynn said:
Updated BIOS - NIC and all devices worked through 3 cold reboots, and all was good. Left PC running to go work outside some
Come back, display driver crashes on wake up and NIC is out again. But on the bright side I haven't had …
So, I made a potroast today. I had 2lbs beef, a crap load of garlic, peppers, spices, seasonsings, et el. I just grabbed my first bowl.
I hated potroast as a child because it was just SOOO bland. That is the reason why I doubled all the ingre…
Originally posted by Quizzical Originally posted by zytin Originally posted by Quizzical
Internet lore says that Microsoft is a lot more accommodating on reactivating Windows licenses if it's an OEM license that you bought yourself than if i…
Originally posted by Quizzical
Internet lore says that Microsoft is a lot more accommodating on reactivating Windows licenses if it's an OEM license that you bought yourself than if it's one that came with a computer that you bought from Dell, HP, …
No, do not bother with an SSD drive at this point.
What exactly is your budget? That would help.
It sounds like at this point you mostly need a:
You have everything else you need at this point.
Taking in…
Originally posted by dsmart
And the FTC has clear rules and guidelines about specifically that sort of thing.
With all due respect, Mr. Smart, Did you actually read this article? The person in this article took the money, didn't build the p…
Originally posted by VooDoo_Papa MMO's
*Warframe* -get this
Single Player (multiplayer coop)
Borderlands 2
+1 Boarderlands 2.
Boarderlands 2 you run around, level up, shoot things, play with up to 4 other people,…
Role Playing Games are about leveling up your character and progressing further (in story and in power). Without it, you're just playing interactive fiction.
Maybe it was the shame on you Mr. Smart part of your post?
A bit over-reactionary, I'd say, but from their perspective, if they are dealing with a lot of attacks, I can see why they aren't going to put up with any perceived insults.
No clue about …
DA:I was a LOT less intensive than Witcher 3...I expect that if you can play witcher 3, you can probably play anything coming out this year, except for the recently pulled batman game.