Do not want Mounts.
Not movement Mounts, anyway. Flying can be in WoW, Flyff, DOMO, whatever other MMO you wanna go play, whatever. Do that if that's what you want.
Now combat mounts, that actually matter and add to combat gameplay, oh heck yes.…
Originally posted by kamikkaze I`m not familiar with Guild Wars, just know the game exists and I have two questions:
You will need to buy the game but there will be no subscription charge, revenue will come from micro transactions similar …
Guild Wars 2, again.
You don't grind. You play your way to level 80. You do instances. You have fun, you explore the world, you participate in PvP, you run around aimlessly and join in Dynamic Events, you go to a Charr arena, you make some fr…
I find the grind horrible. I like the combat though. It's different than all other games. Even Guild Wars, my favorite game of all time, was "click" bash through 1+2+3+4 at strategical times. Or if you were a Monk, you played the red bar game. (Whic…