Originally posted by MikeB
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?
Yes very interested , cause it was everything I wanted . WoW in space with bioware story .
The game didn´t dissapoint me , infact had a terrifi…
No sadly F2P is made to farm out money of those fans who has it .
It is done to increased the revenue , not get new players or old players back.
While it is done on purpose and every F2P slogan is to get new players .
Sadly SWTOR , the audience was…
It is not the gernre that is dead , it is the people .
How often do you run into interesting new people in MMO lately ?
That you say he , he or she got something special , infact you run into more drama people and psycho´s .
Then you run into decen…
This is a interesting subject , after playing tons of F2P , sooner or later they usually turns into P2W .
Since both customers who spent money or invested like most people say , and companies themself are subject to greed and demands of the "paying"…
The MMO industry is growing , the MMORPG industry is dying .
Sounds conflicting , but MMO are definetly growing really fast , even on the Ipad and Iphone apps.
MMORPG industry is not dying but sadly being outnumbered by MMO in general .
Seems …
Sub model is generous consider the next stages of MMO coming up .
Sub + Cash shop to support the current market of cheaters .
It seems people just don´t have patience anymore , so the cashshop is a quick ticket to glory .
I really don´t mind s…
Everything goes out of fashion sooner or later , you saying something won´t die .
Is same as the million people playing runescape , dying has nothing to do what you think .
Dying has to do with what the market want , if market want newer fresher…
Originally posted by GMan3
Originally posted by WolfClaws
Well, if Bioware goes "Hey, look at rift and Champions Online ability to change specs on the fly, why dont we do that" will help for those 4 player groups to say "I got the tanking!" ,…
Originally posted by Meridion Yea, the game is really strange, now that I've played a character to max level I'll eventually quit... but: The game kept me longer than most other games with lukewarm approaches.
The game never swept me off my feet, …
Originally posted by twodayslate I chose the last option, because it was there. Anonymity isn't the problem so much as the wrong types of people have access to the internet. I've always said there needs to be two seperate versions of the internet …
Look kids will just create false names , untill you tie up social security number to the real ID .
You only harm the good people , that is currently the problem .
But battlenet for example Real ID would have solves the tons of anominity trol…
Sadly PvP killed CC PvE
Those days are gone , and won´t return .
Cataclysme heroics , I am already tanking without CC from day 1 , a good healer appreciate only having to heal 1 target .
Instead of noobs breaking CC and she has to overcom…
UO but didn´t play it for long .
I think the most fun I ever had online was dungeon siege , back then when I could meet people all over the world .
When I hosted a server , meet a woman from singapore , canadians , koreans , chinese .
LoL …
Originally posted by mmogawd
Originally posted by Jennyfyr
Originally posted by otter3370
I'm of an opposing opinion. I don't blame "casuals" for the state of mmos today. I blame us, the oldschool gamers who led mmos in this direc…
Problem is lately the piracy issue , while in the past it was localised or small network .
Lately it is running rampant on the PC , costing frustrations on publishers and developers .
A game pirated sometimes run smoother then the stupid protect…
Drop was expected by everybody , like said they are aiming for 250k loyal fanbase .
Anything above that is a big bonus .
Anyway the drop is good , I wouldn´t expected it any other way .
The more important issue is are they getting new subscrib…
Kyleran if you want , I think Rift backbone is not so harsh to not refund you , your money .
If you want to cancel , Infact it would be a interesting option to test .
So if you really want to cancel then go trough the channel and see if they can…
Maverick you brought up a tough topic like always .
Trinity can be broken easily , there is a big But , It then falls down to each player individual skills .
That is currently the problem , Trinity infact support the skilless people .
Example …
At Gman ,look EA and Bioware is investing millions into setting up European infrastructure for there MMO market .
It includes Secret world , Swtor and other to be announced MMO , there final server location isn´t even announced yet .
Doom sayer…