I have a 980 and a 4770K cpu, I got about 80-90 FPS, everything at max. Do you need a top end pc to run the game no. Any game that tries to push bleeding edge when it comes to graphics, in a mmo, is risking loosing out on a lot of potential customer…
Utinni said:
Realm Royale seems to have more complex combat than this.
Guess you didn't read about the combat? But those are premade characters, ability crafting is not in the tests yet.
Torval said:
Mazeneal said:
Ganksinatra said:
SedrynTyros said:
Panserbjorne39 said:
They can take their sweet time really cuz the game will be DOA regardless. No matter how nice a guy that head Dev is,…
What people are overlooking is we are still getting the beta 1 patch, however it is not beta 1 phase, to coin MJ's phrase "not the beta". What we as testers got out of the deal is more play time, as opposed to a shorter playtime of the beta 1 phase.…
MadFrenchie said:
BeansnBread said:
So yeah, this guy was talking about how a game focused entirely on PvP has a niche audience. PvP focused games are obviously extremely popular. But are RvR only games extremely popular? I feel lik…
Well to make another point, MJ and company were there from 9 am until 9 pm, working on the game, 9 hours of the time we were pvping until our hearts content, however when MJ said it was time to shutdown for the night, so they could home and eat dinn…
According to MJ we are still getting the beta 1 build, but they aren't quite ready to call it Beta 1, yesterday we did 9 hours of testing, and crashes were happening a lot, basically every time you changed zones it would crash and you'd have to rest…
A subscription is not pay to win, and that is what premium is, if anything Neowiz is guilty of, it is prioritizing a sub based game rather than a buy to play.My advice to those who refuse to shell out the 15 bucks a month, get the XP buff from a pet…
You missed the passive tree, you had streamers who were playing very badly, and never played bless at all. I suggest you go through all the videos again, the passive tree is on a different tab. To point out how bad they were playing Paladin not a si…
I think Neowiz's current intention is to push a sub model (premium) due to subs getting sub only mount/pet and weapon skins. I don't think NA/EU will get cash shop mounts (I could be wrong on this), I think they are going to sell skins ,costumes, an…
GeezerGamer said:
I am not one for government getting involved in business practice. But this early access with real money and selling items is Bullshit and should be looked at. If you don't have the money to develop a product and you can't bo…
You'd like to think that Archeage isn't attracting new players, but currently on Reckoning, new players are coming in, it comes as a surprise given the fact these players are coming from FFXIV and WoW. Some new player just the other day said wow thi…
You know what games did healing and dpsing balancing well for healers, Riders of Icarus' Priest. Occultist and Spirit Shaper in RO also well designed healers, all three are very well balanced.
There are two games, that I expect will be the beginning of the next generation of MMOs Ashes of Creation and Camelot Unchained, hopefully the two can grow beyond the World of Warcraft era of MMOs.
It makes me wonder, that those who complain of some sort of grind, which all mmos have in one context or another, how will they fair in games like Chronicles of Elyria, Camelot Unchained, or Ashes of Creation, which to me will be games that will eat…
whiswher said:
This game generates so hate, most of the people that talk about this game didnt get past level 35.
Im no white knight, but there is so wrong information. Like there is real open world, the problemn the game is designed more …
bamwalla said:
It is evident that many talented people have spent a lot of time creating this game. However there is nothing new or innovative here, they simply took all the parts from games made in the last 12 years and mashed them into one …
It's missing alot because nexon gutted it. Don't believe me, you can always check out Project Icarus online. The need for these publishers to "Westernize" Korean games are actually dropping the ball big time. Things are missing from the game, make t…