Mardukk said:
I enjoy the combat and the art style is less annoying than I remember. The quest hubing and small zones are annoying. The universal loot tables are boring (nothing to look to farm). We will see if there are other things to do o…
Originally posted by jmcdermottuk Originally posted by Bolthar
Pay to faster but if your racing then faster = win. IMHO they have it for non subscribers and non CS a bit TOO limited. They could afford to up the regen to half that of the subscrib…
the OP lost me when he said "tab-targeting"...
WildStar does NOT have tab targeting, which is one of the reasons I love the game. Everything must be aimed.
I was able to get a key for the last weekend, then was unable to play due to real life issues. I would like to get in for this weekend so I have a chance to see what all the hype is about, and do my own share of bug reporting and suggestion making. …
Originally posted by kabitoshin Originally posted by suizendo Originally posted by kabitoshin
Well damnit just woke up and found out about this, and said giveaway is now over. Kinda sour bout this game signed up when signups were first annou…
Originally posted by kabitoshin
Well damnit just woke up and found out about this, and said giveaway is now over. Kinda sour bout this game signed up when signups were first announced and gotten 1 beta weekend invite.
So you have not given them mo…
Originally posted by jweeks221
lame bullshit anounce open beta or relase date or gtfo
I'll take what I can get.
Enjoy a weekend of Wildstar firsthand to determine if I will throw my money at it?
Or bitch about free stuff and whine about not gett…
Sandboxers Rejoice!!!
The answer to your prayers, at least for now:
srsly, go check it out! Get Arma II and then get Dayz mod!! It will blow your mind!!
Originally posted by Lord.Bachus Originally posted by suizendo
The Skill in MMO's comes from knowing what each of those 4-6 abilities does, and what the 4-6 abilities of EVERY OTHER profession combination do .
Then reacting quickly and dyn…
The Skill in MMO's comes from knowing what each of those 4-6 abilities does, and what the 4-6 abilities of EVERY OTHER profession combination do .
Then reacting quickly and dynamically in combat armed with this knowledge.
I've missed every beta key give out here, always zero keys by the time I'm home from work. I've been following this game for AGES. I know it's good, I know it's innovative. Yet I simply can't shell out that kind of cash without trying it. (thanks Ri…
Originally posted by causs For me personally:
- Not that much content if you are a solo player. To experience the full game, an agency is a must.
Yes, although to be fair - it is an MMO, and a team based game. If you want solo content, p…
some people don't like it..
i've been playing since beta and i love it, pay for the game once and play forever.
but why come to the forums to ask? you'll just get yes and no answers..
just download the free trial and try it yourself, only …