This actually sound spretty good. I really like how your choices impact the world at least in your eyes. If they can nail the exploration feel of Skyrim then i will be happy.
Originally posted by phantomghost Originally posted by Nethermancer This is Smedley talking......
So I will chalk this one up to "we will wait and see"
I have played MMO's for over a decade now and 1 thing has stayed constant ....SOE ALWAYS …
This is Smedley talking......
So I will chalk this one up to "we will wait and see"
I have played MMO's for over a decade now and 1 thing has stayed constant ....SOE ALWAYS lets me down.
Matrix online? let down
SWG? let down
EQ? let down
OP is missing a major point
I do not play MMO's for gear or addiction
I do not play MMO's because i think they are that fun
I play MMO's for the PEOPLE i meet.
EVE online and Vangaurd are not that fun but i met great people and we had an amazing…
I am still really liking it. I am getting bored with the weapon skills system but im still addicted to crafting, exploring and pvp so definently my monies worth.
I think "go back to WoW"really fits nicely here even though i usually think its a worthless comment. All those things you said about pvp can be found in WoW and THE VERY REASON why I love GW2 pvp is because it moves away from all the terrible pvp fl…
they have stated several times over the years that the code they inhereted from Sigil was in TERRIBLE shape. And who knows how many people on the team can even work with it.
Not really defending SOE staff because they still make terrible disiscions…
200k is pretty dissapointing. I thought there was enough interest for 500k tbh. I really like TSW but i also really like GW2 and GW2 doesnt cost me 15 a month so........
i am going to say 90
seems like a fair bet.
edit - anyone who chose under 70 is trolling.
i would be EXTREMELY suprised if GW2 had a meta score under 80 tbh
this is NOT my opinion on the game this is what i think the critics numerical representa…
I can honestly say that pvp is Secret World is the worst i have ever played. THERE IS NEVER AN EPIC FIGHT. Its just run in and die or run in and kill a bunch then die all in teh span of 30 seconds.
I am really enjoying the pve but the pvp is terrib…
My 2 cents
I dont care about Vanity crap. Some people do...i get it
But for me If people want to give money to Funcom to fund development of the game through vanity items i am VERY happy since it will be more development and less staff cuts etc.
Originally posted by Valentina Originally posted by Nethermancer
I will be shocked if this game is not a complete failure. It is NOTHING like skyrim. Skyrim sold 10 million because Skyrim is AWESOME....not because they used the elderscrolls un…
I will be shocked if this game is not a complete failure. It is NOTHING like skyrim. Skyrim sold 10 million because Skyrim is AWESOME....not because they used the elderscrolls universe.
This is a list in order of how quickly i removed a AAA title form my computer
Aion - literally 5 minutes not joking
STO - about 2 hours
Rift - about 8 hours in beta
SWTOR - 2 weeks
WoW - 2 weeks
To me SWTOR is boring to its core. I had very little fun running my first charcter through and when faced with the prospect of runnign an alt it was a very easy decision to quit. The quests are mind numbingly boring. How anyone can play this for mor…