Nothing official, unfortunately. Nintendo is going to keep their stranglehold on that IP forever. If your device is jailbroken, you can figure out via google how to get some kind of emulator. Haven't tried it myself, so not sure on quality.
It s…
These Korean companies are definitely upping the graphical ante. Looking good, BD. Now lets see how much sticking power, server stability and anti-hack measures it has.
insane spell fx. if the world is open enough, it might fill that mu online breach that I've been feeling lately. (yeah, i know, mu online 2 is in development)
Color me surprised. The environmental gfx are already up to par; definitely a visual style I could see myself enjoying. And obviously they have some good music guys, if that score is original. Clearly the animations, UI, effects etc. are still a wor…
Originally posted by iridescence I have this image of some poor guy in Africa hearing about people in the west spending more money than he makes in a year on an imaginary spaceship in a video game which doesn't actually exist...How crazy it must se…
Being a sandbox fan, I can say that I have a personal vision of what I think a sandbox should be, how it should be implemented, rule sets/ variable rule sets for different servers, etc. But I would be more than happy to play a game that I thought go…
If I had to choose, it would definitely be cash shop in to sub, but intuitively I would think that I would want the payment system for the game to be as unobtrusive to the player as possible. While people are playing my game, I would want them to th…
I wouldn't say its pay to win necessarily, but definitely pay for convenience. Their payment model really rubs me the wrong way. For instance, to unlock all bag slots will set you back $20 (at least when I tried the game) even if you are a subscribe…
Originally posted by DMKano
Hey sorry you are having problems - I can only speak for myself - zero problems. Also so my guildies no issues. I don't believe that your case is an indication of majority - hence why I said minority.
I'm gonna preface…
I love isomeric MMORPGs. However, the vast majority of isometric games out there are shallow, diablo-esque cash grab attempts. My first and, in terms of hours played, longest MMO-affair to this date was with an isometric game that launched in 1997 (…
I don't remember having a bad experience with Wildstar, but I do empathize with you on the frustration. My horror story was canceling from FF:ARR. No joke, took me 15 minutes and Google to figure out how to do it. No "manage subscription" tab or can…
Originally posted by Gestankfaust Seemed like reasonable responses that you just shot down...cause you must be so far "in the know" what with your 58 thousands stars and absurd status.
How about a little less sarcasm and jackassery...and a little …
Your download issue is really odd. I too downloaded ESO over the weekend (first time for me here since beta). I dl'd through Steam, which initially told me in that little first pop-up screen that my dl would be ~40 gigs. Woah! I thought. Then I go t…
AA is a sinking ship? Exodus of sub players occurring? That's great news! Maybe now more of my guildies can lay down some property finally. Unfortunately, on Aranzeb there is still a group of 10-20 people that hover around every property that is abo…
Yikes. I had always wondered about that: why a game that had apparently managed to get a hold on the Foundation Trilogy IP would need a crowdfunding campaign and not have financial backing behind it already (My thinking being that the IP holders wou…
Originally posted by Dauzqul The best two mounts in the game"
Carrot Dash - The fastest trade-pack mount in the game.
-It might be nice to have, but not many people really care about the carrot dash donkey. The farm carts that are craftable in-g…
Originally posted by apocoluster Real life brings repetition and pointlessness too. The only thing real life offers is Great graphics. Its kinda expensive too and way to dependent on the cash shop. Totally pay to win as well. No thank you. Ill s…
1-2 hours per day? That's rough... but very doable. I guess it just depends on what all you want to do. SWTOR or GW2 might be a good fit, its relatively easy to hop in for a quick flashpoint or PVP match and hop off. Same with ESO, as its very solo …
Originally posted by dandurin Originally posted by grimal
They should just pull the game, fix the bugs and various other issues and relaunch sub only. From what I've been reading, the game was clearly not ready for a western launch.
You'd be …
Originally posted by Herzy But I still can't seem to pick one damn class to settle on. Right now I'm an Arcanist. I was thinking about switching back to the build I tried that one and only day I played Alpha, Paladin. I like heavy armor, but is that…