We are on a roll at Whamz!!
Episode Ten, "Smokey & The Beggar Pt I" has been released!
This is the much-anticipated parody of the Smokey & The Bandit films (which coincidentally is showing on AMC Sat 6/25 at 3:45pm est) starring the crew…
Ghostbusters, episode Nine is now up!!
Also, make sure to check out the new comic series at Wham Z, "Tales From The Shadows". And a real life thing about some crazy guy named King Alfred giving his view on things.
first off, get ready for old graphics and playengine. Get past that and your playing the deepest gameplay in a MMO.
1. is it newb friendly?
yes and no. There are quests for beginners and skills are, for the most part pretty each to work to the…
of course EA requested it.
That is how EA is combatting the problem. They tell the fan sites not to have posts about free shards, in essance making the fan site forum mods become the bad guys for EA. This also saves EA money as they don't have to…
"Writer's Block", episode eight is up and ready for your viewing pleasure. It is about Soupy and myself attempting to come up with an idea for the episode.
Have you confused solo with casual gameplay maybe? You said you have to be AFK a lot, etc so I was wondering if perhaps this is what your getting at, that an MMO should be based on the casual player who doesn't have a lot of time to play an MMO like…
'- "Solo is, will always be, the main market. A MMORPG that succeed with little or no solo appeal is doing great considering they are ignoring the main player base.'' '
I don't play COH, but I was lurking here and read this quote. That has to be o…
new Soupy episode up now!!
In "The BegOff" our hero settles into his new home but has problems with a local veteran beggar who's not ready to give up his turf.
And don't forget our Fan Request Episode Contest ends Monday 3/21!! Get those entrie…
ahhh the real life stuff. As soon as I get a camera I'm off and running. The two ideas I mentioned in the FAQ were actually UO comic ideas. I may have been misleading there I apologize but I don't think I said I had films already that I could put up…
future Soupy eps will premiere about every 7-10 days.
this is what you meant right or were you asking if there was going to be anything else besides Soupy Dreck cartoons?
I'm lurking here, long time UO player. Tried SWG but wasn't my cup of tea. Anyhoo, I just wanted to say that the solo group thing is a result of MMO's going mainstream I believe. The titles now attract people not used to the community concept in a v…
Part One of the latest episode, "BarrierWorld" is up and ready for your viewing pleasure!
And you can submit your idea for a Dreck episode in the Fan Request Episode Contest!! The winning entry will become the plot for a future Adventure!!
Lasest episode. "Soupy & The Pirate" is up at yet another new home for The Adventures of Soupy Dreck!! Enjoy
The Adventures of Soupy Dreck (New New home)
P.S. This place is where the comics are staying, in addition to real life films being …