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  • Originally posted by goneglockin I find myself angry with it all; because I'm wondering why I'm being left out.  What is wrong with me?  I'm pretty damn sexy if I do say so myself.  But who walks in with a woman coddling him, a woman I might have…
  • Originally posted by ladyattis   I don't really care either way, but please use proper syntax and grammar in further correspondence as it is confusing for me, and I can guess for others too, to figure out what you're trying to state. A…
  • Only ones I can think of are Panzer Dragoon, which I guess you may have heard of if you like dragons that much, and Lair.  Lair got some terrible ratings though.  Both of those games you play as a dragon rider, not the actual dragon.
  • I see it as a place that I live, nothing more or less.  I have to follow its laws and pay its taxes, but I'd have to do that no matter where I lived.  The government has a history of doing things that could be considered less than honorable.  I kn…
  • How exactly are those people being glorified the same as glorifying slavery and inequality?  Tubman and Douglas may have been slaves, but is that all they were to you? Again, I don't see how slavery is being glorified.  Slavery has indeed been aro…
  • Originally posted by modjoe86   Originally posted by Jimmy_Scythe Wow, you guys must be on good behavior because this thread is three pages in and it hasn't been locked yet. Inevitably it will get out of hand and be locked, so I want to get th…
  • Originally posted by unconformed   Originally posted by Akunai Black history month is meant to keep people in the dark, to give people a slave mentality?  I don't see it that way.  Because of the fact that slavery did exist, and we're still fe…
  • Black history month is meant to keep people in the dark, to give people a slave mentality?  I don't see it that way.  Because of the fact that slavery did exist, and we're still feeling the effects of racist tactics today.  There was some legisla…
  • Not to get bogged down by the semantic difference between race and culture, but I think its funny that you say  you consider religion a culture, but not race.  I guess I would have to know what your definition of culture and race are to even underst…
  •   Originally posted by War_Eagle   Originally posted by Akunai Couldn't people just make an attempt to see black history a positive thing?  Is learning really that painful a thing? Some of you act as though a month is too long, as though on …
  • Originally posted by unconformed Originally posted by Akunai Couldn't people just make an attempt to see black history a positive thing?  Is learning really that painful a thing? Some of you act as though a month is too long, as though on Febua…
  • Couldn't people just make an attempt to see black history a positive thing?  Is learning really that painful a thing? Some of you act as though a month is too long, as though on Febuary 1st you get up and are forced to learn something about a blac…
  • I don't get this whole idea of segregation.  Is black history month somehow set aside as a time where people can only learn about blacks?  Not only that, but african american history is directly related to european american history.  If you learn ab…
  • I don't think he was saying blacks originated in the U.S., but the month did.  As opposed to the other cultural celebrations.
  • That question came to mind for me too.  As well as, how many were first offenses by region?  How many were on the drug laws which are now being reworked because they were unfair?(see unfair drug laws)  How the arrests broke down by region vs the dif…
  • Originally posted by gnomexxx   You've got people in the black community who don't value education, think it's cool to be a "gangsta", and spend their days putting poison in their bodies and minds.   Don't you find that in every community?  …
  • You see blue, you just keep putting out unfounded information and making things up to fill in the blanks that reflect your bias.  I already posted in your thread about The Whitest Kids You Know, it might help you out to look up some of their sketche…
  • Originally posted by Netzoko Race is no longer about race. People don't hate X race because of their place or origin, skin color, or physical appearance.  No, people today dislike a group of people because of how they act. If I say I hate how som…
  • Your problems arise when you make so many generalizations, assumptions, and unfounded facts.  You say its a predominantly black mall, with a bookstore closed down due to bad sales, and that this is indicative of the failings in black/urban culture…
  • Old thread, but I read this article the other day and remembered this thread.  For anyone interested in the history of the sport etc., you might find this article interesting.  Its about Sam McVey, a black fighter during the era of Jack Johnson.  Co…