Originally posted by GwapoJosh Originally posted by trancejeremy Laurelin is probably the best server in the game.
Strangely, Landroval is certainly the worst.
I was thinking about making a toon on Landroval.. Why is it the worst?
Do no…
I also think it is a good idea if people are willing to invest money in it. Hoenstly I would never waste my TPs in there.
The title is however deceptive, as we are talking of TPs, which does not translate in money so easily (to give you an examp…
Not sure if that's a serious thread, but if it is, well I admire your enthusiasm, but think you need to see your life in a new perspective. And I am a gamer myself
PS: "Their" ambition, not "they're"...
Originally posted by uncleFester I want to thank EA for the absolute and complete corruption of Bioware. I want to thank the Lord of Greed for his everlasting and unforgiving influence on the only human beings that seemed to understand what made rea…
Originally posted by hh33 I just wanted to say the following regarding SWTOR going F2P since I posted quite a ways back that such a thing was going to happen while all of you said I was ignorant, crazy, etc.
Originally posted by Whitebeards
There..there.. *gives Reizla a cookie for making the most significant prediction that will change course of life as we know it*.
I think we should definitely have a Reizla Scholarship for the Best Gaming Predictio…
Anyone knows how big is the download for the beta client? I have a limited monthly cap and just wondering if I could afford the download before the month ends.
Originally posted by gordiflu Originally posted by mercurykev Riders of Rohan what a waste of money, no new instances, take away mounted combat which is very laggy/buggy not smooth at all and you have nothing for the price of £30.
Im sure somew…
Originally posted by cagan Didnt log in for 5 months now and going strong. I am really enjoying guild wars 2 at the moment, such a great game compared to what LOTRO could have been
I really do not foresee myself logging ever again at this point (…
Originally posted by trancejeremy On the bright side, at least you probably didn't buy a lifetime sub, like I did. Worst $200 I've spent.
To each their own. I wish I had bought back in time the Lifetimes option for 200$.
OP: Seems you had a b…
Dunno for others, but I will probably get back to SWTOR, at least getting my Consular to level 50 and finish his story. then who knows.
Honestly, I think all games will adopt in the future a Hybrid system, so those hardliners who are willing onl…
Originally posted by crazynanny
* Crafting superior? Not a single person who raids/do dungeons use crafted items. For starters everyone use Draigoh 4-set part and then add some raid pieces. Jewellery is from Limlight Gorge reputation and RoF t…
Well, IMHO, Turbine is carefully monitoring the forums and given the level of outrage to their decision of not including the instance cluster, they might reconsider it in the future including the instances in the RoR package.
TBH, I don't care, as…
Originally posted by Aerowyn Originally posted by Alalala
To anyone considering SWTOR: I played it, and got several character class to high level. Reflecting on my experience, I would rather watch my own young children die slow painful deaths th…
Originally posted by MindTrigger Originally posted by vindir
LOTRO seems to be the game I always fall back on. I've played games like Aion (2 years), SWTOR (since launch), Rift (1 year), but none are like this game. The price is perfect for th…
Originally posted by Netspook Originally posted by teakbois
Originally posted by lifesbrink
Originally posted by mastersomrat
Maybe your right. Maybe, I just don't like the idea of Nickel and Diming me to death. I just so l…
Personally, a new combat system no matter how cool it is is not enough to make me fall in love with a MMO. If I wanted an action-based game, I will probably play FPS.
The game should be much more than action-paced combat, as eventually people coul…