Left this hacker paradise game months ago. I'll believe it when I see it that the cooldowns and abilities and speed calculations went server side. Highly doubt it.
Ligi said:
Karnage69 said:
I really wanted to like it. I put in a good 30+ hours over the course of about a week and I just couldn't find myself drawn in. Its a fine game and I understand the appeal, but the title to this thread is fal…
Payment system fubar with Paypal only working intermittently as the only form of payment.
Hackers galore with the game stupidly putting mana/heal…
Got hooked on the game two different times. However I recently upgraded my PC to an Octocore AMD processor/mobo and can't even stay in game more than 20 seconds now without it crashing on me even with the dx9 trick. Optimization has been one of Wild…
Played the uncensored Russian version myself. Despite the English pack not being perfect (which one ever is?) it was fun and I had low ping. Can't wait for our NA version soon*
Hopefully they have the Microsoft 10 issue resolved fast (ie before CBT) or work around it before launching CBT. They already fixed it for Japan, so I know it will eventually get done. I just don't want to have to roll back to windows 7 or 8 or use …
OP post = trolling
Wildstar has a near identical 10% buff for people who bother to get the 2 step Google Authenticator tied to their account to cut down on hacking. And Wildstar is a P2P only game. Is it P2W for them too? #dontfeedthetrolls
* Servers opened to huge launch with massive queues on nearly all servers
* 2 weeks later, queues gone and sever capacity increased
* 2 months after launch with the pvp patch that broke pvp you start seeing the real first massive wave of peo…
Sorry Xepherd, been that way since release and I doubt it will ever change. There is no work-around to this system. This particular game has a heavy PvE focus with dungeons and guildhests, etc being the primary focus. You could craft your way to 50 …
Originally posted by TiamatRoar There are other theme parks out there doing way better than Wildstar (FFXIV, Rift, Tera, for example)
People say "Wildstar failed because it was Hardcore", but even most Hardcore guilds had problems with it. Re…
People who don't like CREDD type systems should just stay away from the game unless you're into self mental torture. CREDD systems exist in highly touted EVE Online and TERA but I don't see the same mouthpieces screaming bloody murder in their forum…
Originally posted by Alber_gamer Would actually believe any word the OP said at all if he hadn't been bashing Wildstar for 3+ months in every other forum post he makes with the three same claims repeating over and over. "Idiot solo mode", "WoW clone…