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  •       I could see myself as a litte fluff ball of might, taking names and loving it. The likely hood of adding new races to the game is not very high at all, it's only a year away (im assuming) and they need to work out all the bugs now. But here's …
  • I'll have to agree with ImperialPand. The advantages of playing on PC are to many to pass up on. Instead of going on with why I think this way, I'll leave it alone because PC vs Console is a whole different forum in itself.
  •      I just recently got back on warhammer thinking things would be better for whatever reason but there worse then ever. The game seem fun for the most part, especially considering I love PvP as much as I do, it just got old quickly, and even quick…
  •      Jumping has it's slight advantages, as a lot of people already said I'm sure, it seems to me that the only real use you would get out of it would be in PvP oriented MMO's. Final Fantasy is cleary PvE based and requires no real need for jumping,…
  •      "Classic FF experience," I like that. It's hard to go wrong with Final Fantasy. Even though the RPG and MMORPG versions of Final Fantasy are pretty different, it still has that FF experience built right into it. I agree, Final Fantasy is famous…
  •      Uhhhhhh.... so many games, so little time. Especially if your talking about MMORPG's. So much hype is built up for all of these types of games and only 1 out of every 4 seems to do "alright." WoW depresses me. Every game I start to play people …
  •      This will be my first forum post ever. My first ever mmorpg was FFXI, so im truely excited to see that there releasing FFXIV. For the longest time I enjoyed playing FFXI, but like many people have already said, the requirement to be in a party …