Only a handful of action combat games have been successful. Why keep shoe horning it into games. Zoomers clearly don't like MMORPGs and other generations of gamers don't want it. This game looks like shit.
I will be honest. This is why I stopped playing EVE. PanFam has become the biggest faggot group of people in the game. Completely ruined nullsec. It's basically all owned by them at this point.
Neoyoshi said:
Ah yes, who needs all these employees when AI can just do all the work.
Nice excuse though, the whole refocusing on Prime gaming benefits. Yeah i don't buy that for a second; it's because of ChatGPT and other AI progr…
Theocritus said:
Dont people just fall behind further the longer they wait in these kind of games?
Correct. Sadly if you aren't an early adopter you are mostly going to be always behind the power curve.
FFXIV: Incredibly weeb and boring storyline. Raid and dungeon content is extremely fun but there isnt enough of it. Its constantly replaced by the next expansion of content and they develop to slow. You have to grind raids, trials, and dungeons and …
The game is so dead outside of High-Sec faction war tbh. Nullsec is basically non-existent because FRT/PH zerged the entire server down. Low-sec has some action but not a ton. Can't comment on wormholes although i suspect people playing wormholes ar… Pantheon the only game I had hope for is pretty much dead at this point. Literally what? An extraction mode? Listen...I love Tarkov but this is not what I want. I want a fucking MMORPG. Ridiculous how long its taking. These crowd funded MMO…
OMFG seriously? Yet another change these lazy devs can hang their hat on as to why the game hasn't come out of pre-alpha in 8 years of development time.
I don't even mind using this new style of art, what I am pissed about as a supporter is th…