Originally posted by Frostvein SWTORs F2P model is actually one of the best ones out there
Uh....going to disagree here. Its actually one of the worst.
care to explain why? Can you give examples of MMOs with better models?
Originally posted by rojoArcueid Originally posted by Tyggs Originally posted by Robsolf
given that their f2p model is pretty crappy, I'd bet that's mostly subbed players.
Now that you can buy account unlocks from the GTN for credits, it …
Originally posted by superniceguy Originally posted by ktanner3 Originally posted by DrunkWolf I dont want to hate on the game, everybody has their opinion on whats fun.
being that its a Star Wars IP i hope they arnt proud of this …
Originally posted by JoeyMMO
Nice story driven leveling if you're subscribing. Play till 50 on a few toons you like the story of. That should keep you busy for a while. After that, well you'll see it when you get there.
fail troll is fail.
Originally posted by Kangaroomouse Originally posted by Scot Unlike a B2P where you can keep the box price high a P2P will drop of quickly. If someone wants to present evidence that TESO is dropping of faster or slower than average then fine. If n…
Originally posted by DMKano Originally posted by bobdole1979 Originally posted by CrazKanuk Originally posted by Hariken Originally posted by rojo6934 Originally posted by NeithWeaver Originally posted by Deadlyne Because …
Originally posted by ElRenmazuo Originally posted by BurntCabbage people need to stop trying to force other games hand in try to change things..its what makes game diff from each other and unique
dueling..just what this game needs everyone outs…
Originally posted by CrazKanuk Originally posted by Hariken Originally posted by rojo6934 Originally posted by NeithWeaver Originally posted by Deadlyne Because Wildstar just came out. Now there is some real competition.
Originally posted by Innkwell
Why are people so oblivious.....
NOWHERE IS ESO SOLD FOR $10.00 ( there is a 30.00 hard copy on amazon)
Its like you people don't do any research..... of any kind......ever.
Please stop trolling …
Originally posted by Rhoklaw The problem with SWTOR isn't that it's F2P, but rather that it's using a F2P model that's counter productive, much like what EQ2 uses. You don't want to make a game F2P as a trial experience, not an actual F2P game. In o…
Originally posted by jesteralways [mod edit]
You are again giving out misinformation. EAWare did not hand out any information in E3 regarding SWTOR where ESO showed off their new end game changes with video, FF14 showed off their new class and j…
one of the best reviews of TESO
TESO has a ton of problems but for 9.99 that's not a bad deal at least to try it for 30 days. If you haven't played SWTOR then it might be worth it to give it a shot. If you like bioware games you will love i…
Originally posted by ktanner3 Originally posted by Swanea All Star wars games are no longer Canon. Which is a good thing, since many of them didn't make sense.
Kinda sucks the ENTIRE expanded universe is gone. Thrawn was awesome. There …
Originally posted by Drelkag
Can't wait myself. Came back to the game after trying to play with friends in a recently launched MMO and found ourselves fighting against the game more often than actually playing it. I'll never take party-shared conve…
Originally posted by TeknoBug From 2003-mid 2005 SWG held a ~350K sub playerbase and that was when F2P hardly existed and then along game the NGE and pops dropped down to below 50K in less than 6 months. On the other hand, SWTOR with ~500K F2P is pr…
Originally posted by Archlyte Originally posted by Volenibblets Originally posted by Archlyte
making a martyr out of SWG was the dumbest thing that EA did (via pressure from Lucasarts as applied to SOE). They created a ready-made contingent …
Originally posted by superniceguy Originally posted by coorsguys @sng
You used the term "fact" until you post a link and show us your supporting info to back up your "fact" everything you say is your bias, uninformed, opinion. Here let me sh…
Originally posted by Volenibblets Originally posted by bobdole1979
and you dont' think SWG is mocked?
here's the thing SWTOR and its storys are 100% part of Star Wars canon. It has already achieved its perminat place in the Star Wars…
Originally posted by Volenibblets Originally posted by bobdole1979 well again since SWTOR has more people playing it and its far more popular yeah i think more people will be talking about in 10 years time then SWG thats obvious.
I di…