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  • Originally posted by Phry snip Cutscenes are vastly overrated.. hopefully there will be the option to skip them.. not sure why cutscenes should be considered immersive though.. as they often force you to complete certain activities in a certain…
  • Originally posted by Skatty2007 Originally posted by mets2005 Originally posted by okor December 20, 2012   haha   That may sound funny, but I believe that is actually the date that their cryptic countdown en…
  • Originally posted by armanth13 what world of warcraft was when it first launched Oh my...   I didn't think anyone else had a pulse way back then.        "Sovrath ~ Remember, NC's mission is not to make "one" …
  • Haven't they announced Jedi and Sith being seperate from the two factions? Gophn.com: Okay. When you start the game, what are you going to run into, what are you going to have to learn, or what character classes will be available? GW: Well, we …
  • I'm looking forward to SWTOR and TSW. I usually play what is fun and then move on/take a break to try something else that I think seems fun. I played WAR for awhile, I thought it was fun for the most part, after awhile the poor coding and genera…
  • EA is a cannibal, I have no idea where you got the idea that it was vegetarian. May BioWare take care of Mythic better than a Red-Headed-Step-Child.
  • Originally posted by stonedelf I think it's really funny who all of you assume Jedi and Sith Jedi as a class... Jedi are not Jedi until they trained by a Jedi Master or a Jedi Knight... I would think of it more of a profession... And not as diffi…
  • I'm looking forward to it, the worlds look beautiful, having a companion and being the second voice in your decisions is great, especially when all of your friends are neither on or busy. I have yet to see anything space related or what goes on in …
  • Originally posted by darkstryderx http://www.swtor.com/news/article/20090619_002 Unique class stories – Each class story is exclusive and storylines are also specific to each allegiance. For example: the storyline for a Smuggler (a Republic Class…
  • Originally posted by firefly2003 Originally posted by mackdawg19 Sorry man, but without a story, you really don't have an MMORPG. I want a story and more of it, not less. I don't know where you got this idea people don't like stories, but your …
  • Merchant. Most people I know that do craft, often make Alts to sell things on. Bazaar/Auction. It use to happen a lot more in the older games, purely because of inventory space.
  • Originally posted by AllNewMMOSuk Originally posted by Mathrym I agree with OP. I really dislike seeing people flame a game that isn't out yet without giving it a chance. And not only that, they are flaming Bioware who has virtually flawless hi…
  • Originally posted by Ilvaldyr Originally posted by Aeraized  There is Phasing, If 15 different people enter a Hut, Everyone except your party and NPCs will be phased out, It gives the illusion that you are the only people accepting this task and t…
  • Originally posted by madeux Originally posted by sinjin I was @ E3 and I must say I seen SW:TOR  and it  got my money, going to be pure awesome.   Would you mind giving us a few more details?  What exactly were you able to see?  What was i…
  • Originally posted by singsofdeath Originally posted by Dynamo112 Originally posted by hanshotfirst Originally posted by Dynamo112  So basically what you're proposing it that Bioware is in fact just " Going with the flow ".   First, a mome…
  • I think most of you are forgetting there are four factions. Galactic Republic Jedi Order Sith Empire Sith Lords Considering there is a Jedi and Sith faction by themselves, They wouldn't take up a Empire and Republic space. So there i…
  • Originally posted by MarL Originally posted by Netzoko It blows my mind how out of touch developers are with the MMO base. With literally the biggest IP in the world, their focus is NOT what gamers have hated about mmos for years. No no, they w…
  • Originally posted by Phry Originally posted by Vrazule Originally posted by zazz Originally posted by Tiurinn BioWare story is a bit like this: All roads lead to Rome, you choose with road to take to get there. In the end, everyone will get…
  • Originally posted by SpyridonZ Originally posted by Netzoko It blows my mind how out of touch developers are with the MMO base. With literally the biggest IP in the world, their focus is NOT what gamers have hated about mmos for years. No no, t…
  • Originally posted by Zlayer77 Originally posted by Netzoko It blows my mind how out of touch developers are with the MMO base. With literally the biggest IP in the world, their focus is NOT what gamers have hated about mmos for years. No no, th…