Why is city architecture so large? When comparing dungeon screenshots to city screenshots it appears that there is a design decision to make cities huge in comparison to the rest of the world.
My wife and I just started playing again (we stopped back at cataclysm due to having kids and stuff). We started playing again a week before this change and found that by the time we got our gnomes to Loch Modan, everything was too easy and we were …
Originally posted by QSatu I don't believe Choice and consequence is possible to do well in mmorpg. It's not possible to create so many branches unless you want an mmo to be a single player game with coop for some missions.
And I really don;t …
Originally posted by mjel82 The next one I can't seem to forget was spending a week and half getting established on that character.. newbie armor.. weapons.. just starting to fight at the orc camps in the ECOMMONS! .. when my brother in law had …
I also like the idea of carrying weight. It did not only affect your ability to move, but also your stats. I believe it was AGI in EQ that was reduced if you were carrying too much.
Monks would offload their copper and silver because they hit more …
Originally posted by deniter Point & click works fine in games like Baldur's Gate because combat isn't real time, and you can pause and 'give orders'.
In mmorgp and particulary in mmorpg PvP it becomes a hassle if i keep clicking the ground an…
I think their customer service is great. I had an issue that spanned from the Friday before the Sunday early access to Monday. I missed all of Sunday early access but they were open on the weekend, (not the accounting team, which is who I needed) an…
The problem I am having is playing with my friends. I love these 'off the beaten path' things SOOO much. But none of my friends are patient enough to wait while I enjoy the dialog. And, they don't ever thank me when we find cool things like caves an…
Originally posted by BeansnBread
I can't believe I have to spell this out. He asked, "What's different in the full game that wasn't in the beta?" Your answer did not say anything about the game being different in any way. Hence, the game is…
I just stopped playing a month ago, just family stuff and new games.
But, I found it easy to find groups. You just need to head to hot spots, which were added to assist in group finding. I played on Terris-Thule, i forget what its called now aft…
All your excitement has convinced me to get Darkfall, I played my brothers account a bit before and enjoyed it, but the population was low at the time. Whats this server move you talked about? AND any suggestions on where to start and what race for …
Hope the OP is still reading this and catches my post.
If you are okay with a birds eye view mmo, try Ashen Empires. This game is f2p atm (used to be sub based) and has awesome gaming mechanics with a very very helpful community.
Just watch …
I would agree with your points about the AH staying if I hadnt seen it work in EQ so well. The players made an auction area, it was the tunnel in East Commonlands.
I would contribute the rough economy in Guild Wars to the community being seper…
The OP mentioned EQ as an example of one of the great starting MMOs created. WoW brought to the table polish on those methods and ideas.
What needs to be done to make a game that compares or even tops WoW is go back to the basics.
Things tha…
What I read was that GW2 is suppose to be an open world; that it wont be instanced like GW1, no rest zones.
So before you cast it aside for being a rest stop game do a little research.
Originally posted by McAvoy
Originally posted by Basicgear
Originally posted by kzaske
I look at story-line as the frame of a game. I like games that have a story-line to get you started and content to keep you going. The lack of story line…
Originally posted by kzaske
I look at story-line as the frame of a game. I like games that have a story-line to get you started and content to keep you going. The lack of story line is why I quite WoW, Vanguard and a few other games. I am not …