It amazes me how easily people are provoked into a frenzy on this website. The OP should have either been ignored for making such a fail repeat of all the other "why hate TSO threads, or assumed to be trolling.
Both have the effect of not runnin…
For me it was actually the purchasing on Final Fantasy 8. I was 16 years old at the time and my parents had long made it clear that whatever i wanted from then on out, i had to work for it to get it. I swept up and mopped many popcorn and soda stain…
Meh.. Lack of thorough knowledge of all classes triggered this article and only a few here touched on it so far..
The Engineer has a Kit (medkit) that has nothing but heal skills in the form of medpacks. In the same Kit, the Engineer has two more s…
Could anyone possibly spare a key to this incredible game. I want to test it so badly. Can't allow it to come out and fail. It must... not..... fail.....
Originally posted by Wizardry
Originally posted by Jakdstripper
7th delay or 120th delay it really doesn't bother me any. i have not paid for the game nor will i untill i'm convinced it's playable and enjoyable. all this means for me is …
Originally posted by LuckyR
Originally posted by stormpuma21
Originally posted by LuckyR
Last time I checked everyone was entitled to an opinion. You may very well like the game, good for you and I am glad you are enjoying it. I j…
Originally posted by HanoverZ
For the record... How many times have the so called trolls invited people to try MO?
Even better question.......... How many threads have been made to get people to stay away from this game? *Glances at first pa…
Originally posted by LuckyR
Last time I checked everyone was entitled to an opinion. You may very well like the game, good for you and I am glad you are enjoying it. I just think people should be told the OTHER side of the story and let them des…
Originally posted by HanoverZ
Originally posted by stormpuma21
I would probably be playing Darkfall over MO had i tried it before MO.
That's just how the dice rolls. I stayed with MO because the system was more familiar and i…
Originally posted by LuckyR
OOPS sorry, my bad. If you came here trying to get people to play I can only add to that then. STAY AWAY, STAY FAR FAR AWAY FROM THIS GARBAGE GAME.
How's that better?
That's exactly why i made this thread. Tha…
Originally posted by HanoverZ
Originally posted by stormpuma21
Originally posted by HanoverZ
Ummmm... If youre so content with MO why try Darkfall?
I would…
Originally posted by LuckyR
I guess having played both games myself I can only say MO is just below a turd in forms of any good.
As for ONLY a few haters I think you are sadly mistaken there also! There are way more than a few, maybe if SV wasn…
Originally posted by HanoverZ
Ummmm... If youre so content with MO why try Darkfall?
I wont deny trying Darkfall. I did. I was on spring break and decided to try the 2 most contro…
Originally posted by rlmccoy1987
Originally posted by stormpuma21
I could careless if your need for being kept up to date every second isn't satiated. I for one don't require it.
Is that what you think this thread is about…
First i want to say i love Mortal Online. (Wait. Keep reading.) I log in about 3-5 hours a day and send daily bug/exploit/glitch reports in and i am also active on the forums. They are indeed working hard on this game and round the clock i might add…
Originally posted by Torgrim
Originally posted by cosy
Originally posted by bronecar
So I'm downloading the client now. Any starting tips would be greatly appreciated
find a clan ASAP, do that now before even install the beta
This i…
Google will make it happen. Cisco will continue to try and figure out how...... Besides. Something like what they are proposing would never go mainstream. Google at least is trying to take the ISP route. I signed my community up to be in the first …