Mackaveli44 said:
Both are very buggy, both are fun though even with they're buggy Pick one and play it, dont like it, get a refund and try the other
I'll let them mature a little before trying. Still stuck in the Commonwealth Wastelan…
I'm in. Been watching this and given that I'm a fan of 7D2D, The Forrest, Rust not to mention my huge library of RPG's and MMOrpgs, this looks like a nice fit. We shall see. Still haven't tried the new Conan Exiles yet however.
I really enjoyed the EQ1 system for leveling. It was another skill path to pay attention to. As a SK, learning 2hs and multiple one handers plus bash. Always something to work on.
Also I really liked what WoW did early with having trainers for …
All I ask is that VR doesn't require me to build another PC! (Although you know I will!) Just finished a Skylake build. i5 6600k 16g DDR4 M.2 and RX480
As to the playerbase and time concerns. If it is good, it will get played. If it is good it …!!!!!
Pantheon is making great progress. Trying to not get too hyped just in case it's not the MMO messiah we are all hoping it could be. I've spent lots of time and money into Brad McQ's creations and never regretted …
I was really hoping ESO would expand on the bounty system. That was certainly a unique feature. WoW had something that was neat during one of the times I played it. You could get bones from enemy players in the PvP instance. Turn them in for stu…
I can't disagree with any of that and most of the "evil" play would be in the PC's head. However playing on Rallos Zek you certainly had the option. Lets say an Ogre SK who would KoS dwarves and halflings. Even being that evil aligned r…
Throneblade of Ykesha!? Aesthetically my favorite weapon in any game...ever! Wasn't unwieldy however. I sort of agree on the guns. I have the stance where if you like them then use them but please don't make them the main mechanic of a class.
Dwarven torsos on display to be consumed seems pretty evil! The lore was built around DEF/OGR/TRL/IKS being evil in nature. Of course this was just the lore and not the player. SK's Necros and Rogues had their own subset part of a town to visit i…
Tiamat64 said:
Still debating on giving BDO a proper chance. Reinstalled GW2, couldn't get into it. TESO, same, even after logging in my old toons. Reinstalled LoTRO, couldn't find my old toons and didn't hold interes…
I would go there for your hardware needs. Mostly gamers (myself included, same username) plenty of threads on builds or make your own!
Hope it helps.