Originally posted by sadnebula
Why doesn't soe merge some of these empty servers ? It's rather pointless to have a game this large and then keep all the empty servers going. Heck it might help a bit to actually get everyone that wants to play in t…
My guild had been looking forward to Vanguard for some time. When the 'housing video' was released we thought for sure this game would be the one.
Then a guildy got into beta and didn't like it.
From what I read in the forums, its a mixed bag. Som…
I couldn't vote in the poll because you didn't have my option.
After playing 2 MMORPG's, It is better for me to only group with my close knit guild of RL friends. Pickup groups are a dime a dozen but in my experience are nothing more than a huge ti…
Originally posted by reavo
Originally posted by hercules
And the people became more and more notoriously rude and obnoxious. I just got sick of it.It seems like the newer crowd of gamers. ?
School is out for most of my area.
Nuff said
Rarely is it the healers fault though. It's usually a problem with the tank or DPS dealer. As a Ranger myself, I know that I must allow the tank to grab and hold aggro before I deal out any of my high dmg spells. In a group setting, more often than …
I tried this game a while back after reading posts where people compared certain aspects of it to SWG. Many have mentioned that it has a good crafting system.
I dloaded it for a free trial and the only problem I encountered was with what IIRC a que…
Wow, I've spent the past, I don't know how long it's been reading through every single one of the links in the OP's post.
I miss what once was. It seems that no matter what beta's I sign up for, or what games I pay to play, I cannot, and probably …
Originally posted by Derekeen
My issue with SOE is their problem of caring more for their subscription income rather then the subscribers themselves. This was evident to me when they released EQ2 when they did. The game was completely not ready …
I've only played 2 MMORPG's. SWG and EQ2.
IMO, SWG is the best. But it is very time consuming and complex. All of their resources have stats and each proffesions needs different attributes. And the available resource spawns are always changing. Yo…
I'm a lady and SWG has been the only game that my husband has been able to get me hooked on. I was instantly mezmerized by the game from the day he installed it. We even bought another computer so that I could have my own account.
3 accounts later…
All you have to do is take a peek at the EQ2 forums to see how unhappy players are at the moment.
We are paying for BETA and they are talking new adventure packs.
The game was not ready for release. Period. They pushed it out in hopes of distrac…
Sigh, yes indeed, it was a very sad day.
I am now going through withdrawls, and will be forced to clean my house tommorrow.
I played it till the end and cannot wait unti I can pick my copy up and play again.
Ready, willing, and able, to do it all…