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  •  That is weird. In the shop it says pre-release is the 3rd. I would trust that over the forums. "By pre-downloading most of a game in advance, you can start playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 asap on the release date!! So what are you waiting for s…
  •  Plug both hard drive in, when on desktop of computer drag all documents from the 40Gb to the 500Gb. Although I wouldn't recommend moving the program files over if that's what you planned on. Better to write what programs you have and then re-downlo…
  •  Dont install Vista, that uses up loads of ram so there would be no point, stay with XP. I see no point in changing your motherboard, but I would get another 1Gb of ram to put you up to 3. Also you could get an inexpensive graphics card that works…
  •  I never played WoW and never will just from looking at it I hate the graphics of it and for me its the graphics that can decide whether I stay and play or not. I would rather put my money into a game, yes that has not being around for nearly as lon…
  •  I agree Cabal is a really fun game but like every other F2P mmo is gets boring, I played to level 70 then got bored due to the huge amount of grinding that you have to do.
  •  I would wait until the next update not much has been done expect removing the botters/spammer and adding a few events here and there.
  •  Fiesta Online started off my gaming life. A few of my friends were playing it and decided to join in, since then I have moved on to much better games like Aion and will be again moving on to EVE online soon.
  •  I wouldn't spend money on a competition that were not going to do very well at. (Im from the UK) I would do anything though to go to the 2010 world cup in South Africa though, literally anything. This year football i something that my country act…
  • I would rather play aion 
  • I ban Istrui for quoting Zerocyde and for saying HORSE BOTTOMS as well
  • Thriller - Micheal Jackson
  • Mostly play fiesta online but as soon as i get a new computer im going to pay for a subscription to EVE.
  • Ther are many PVP zones throughtout the world, theres one in the starting town, Roumen where if you get killed you dont lose any experience points, these are called free battle zones and there are 3 of them and any level can enter at any time, in ea…
  • Originally posted by 0guz search for Aion character customization videos   OMG thats looks amazing. Being able to that level of customistaion must make the game size huge. Can't wait for this game to come out!!!!
  • This sysyem is bad in some ways for people who don't want to pay for extras in there account but you dont have to pay to play the game and be good at it. The game does give out free premium items the longer you play.   For a casual gamer RMT sys…
  • If anyone does start to play join the Bijou server and if you need help my in-game name is Emver!